Berserkered, thank you very much for your honesty and detailed feedback!
We're not disheartened at all and you've given us some points we can improve on.
If you don't mind, we would like to clarify a point or two:
* This project was developed in a game jam, in cooperation with several individuals. The different assets and the clashing between them are a few evils to be expected: we had a limited amount of time and different types of artist (with different backgrounds and experiences) working on it.
While this doesn't excuse the problem, it's a fact we have to accept;
* Regarding the Narrator and narrative, perhaps the problem is on how we advertise the game. The game is meant to be silly and not to be taken seriously: it's not about a bunch of characters trying to survive, it's about a bunch of idiots who won't cooperate and will most surely end up dead by the end of the game (Narrator included...maybe). There's no romanticism here, just comedy (or a failed attempt at it XD);
* One important thing that we really need to clarify, there's no bragging about underpaying any of the voice actors. The character known as Narrator is an underpaid and overworked employee at some company in the game, but that in no way means that his or her VA is in the same position as the Narrator (we didn't overpay Anita's VA so she could brag that she's rich, either!).
Do note that no one was paid on this project.
* Characters' opinions don't reflect the team's opinion. Anita doesn't like the elevator track, but we couldn't disagree more with her (and many other things she says);
* Regarding the voice acting, in a script as large as 50k, there's no way we could request the VAs to voice every single line. We asked for a few of them to be voiced, and requested a few blurbs and catchphrases to fill in the voids.
This however, is a criticism we can work on and we'll definitely look into it (have very limited lines be voiced VS the actual situation).
Once again, super duper thanks for your feedback! We hope you'll give the game a second chance (if not this demo build, at least the full version) :D