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(1 edit)

First Thanks for the mod.

I really liked the feature where there's a different picture for a naked body. I would like to isolate that feature.

I've found another mod that does a similar thing but is now broken.

Could I isolate your feature from the Expansion easily and if so can you tell me which files contains code that this feature uses?

Or is it better for me to work from the ground up and just redo the mod?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. If I'm successful in isolating your feature I'll link you the new mod for you to add on this thread

You have my permission, go to town. I’d appreciate it if you drop a link or mention this mod in your post as well just letting people know that it was taken from this mod and clarifying in the description that they won’t be compatible together (as they’ll override the same sections) to minimize confusion.

There are a couple snippets of code that make it work scattered throughout but I think the core of it is in The one thing you’ll need to figure out is how you’re wanting to trigger the strip code. This is currently done in my code via the dialogue in for the conversational strip. You will also have to edit the class to add in the “exposed” dictionary. The easiest route for you may be using CTRL+Shift+F and doing a find all for anything that touches the exposed.chest/genitals/ass section and tracing it back from there to make sure you get anything relevant.