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The idea sounds super cool! But I couldn't get past the jump in the first level :(. I tried to use the knockback, but I just couldn't fire fast enough. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

If it's the very first jump, you need to time the shot about at the same time as you jump. Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, it's a weird physics thing. If you're talking about the second one, spoiler ahead, you're supposed to fall into the ditch and find a pistol you can combine with the shotgun to fire faster.

That is a little counter-intuitive :). But yay, I got to continue! The idea is cool, although I usually just combine all my weapons into one :P. I found the second level pretty hard and coudn't get through. The barrel sometimes threw me completely off the level, haha. Fun game though! The SFXs are nice and it has a lot of potential. Good job!