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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice inventory system! I also like the cute pixel art and the dynamic background :).

I think the backpack size has not challenged me in a very interesting way: at first I could collect without much penalty… then later, when I got too tall, I lost motivation to keep exploring, knowing I would need to throw things out and have little room to keep collecting. Interesting concept though, I like how intuitive the growing backpack is :)!

The system works quite well :)! Would be nice to have more feedback on the validation.

Happy to see a fellow image editing program :D. This is incredible, I love it so much! It's very clever how you can keep using the tools until you release and having most of the puzzles be open-ended works super well! Hats down and thanks for making this :).

I couldn't stop listening to the title theme :D! Okay, I did press start eventually :). What a charming game with a fun enemy and solid controls! It was a bit strange getting some collectibles for free and others after a challenge, but the ending was well worth it :D. Super nicely done!!

I like the animations and lighting :D! The smallest size sponge was a bit frustrating to control. I find it very impressive that this was written in Java and I think that really gives it a unique feel and vibe :). Well done!

I really like the visual theme as well as the music :)! As others have mentioned, the acceleration and jump feel a bit frustrating. I often found the camera fail to frame the scene very well and was not sure where to go at times. I wish it was a little more consistent what you can resize. Manipulating objects worked quite nicely most of time (maybe except for when they got too far away), so props for that!

A curious little adventure :)! I like the visual language and cute puzzles. I wish the re-scaling mechanic was used for more than just overall size (what if you need to make something very wide? tall?), but it is still explored in multiple directions. Nicely done :)!

Thanks for the feedback! I totally agree about the sound effects. I tried adding some, but they just didn't feel right and I unfortunately ran out of time to implement a more complex sound system. Cheers again!

Sorry about that, thanks for the report ;)!

Many thanks, it means a lot :)!

This is really nice :)! I love the aesthetics and theme. Quite short, but there's a lot of interesting decisions and different ways to play (and it's not at all clear which one is the best) – great work!

Really impressive!! I found it satisfying to glue everything together and it was fun to think about which points to tie the rope to :). I wonder if there's a way to make the deck-building decisions feel a little more impactful, as there is quite a bit of randomness at play… I dig the art and it was funny watching birds bash into the tower :D. Great work!

Thank you so much, glad you liked it :)!

I really like how the theme of shrinking connects the levels together :)! I found the early puzzles quite linear and the later ones a bit too difficult to navigate (it takes a lot of time to execute the solution once you see it). I do like the visual style though! Nicely done :).

I wish I could receive notifications for new comments under games where I am a contributor, so that I could read and respond to them. This already works for the jam entry page, but not for the game page itself.

So fun! I had to get all the stars :). Nicely done!

Nice puzzles :)!

A genius concept well executed! Even a simple mechanic like this leaves much freedom for interpretation, so it's obviously really difficult to account for every solution… the game manages it pretty well though! Well done :).

Thank you, I appreciate it :)!

Wow, I'm so excited to see this game here :)! I've genuinely been thinking about the idea of a time-travelling self-stealth game for a while now but the idea of putting it into an item in the level didn't occur to me, that is really nice!

I was initially a bit confused about the colliders, but when I realised it was a bug, I played through the game again and all is clear, so I will disregard it in the rating :). Very well done!

What a hilarious premise :D! I like the pixel art as well as how the knight throws orders at you. Nicely done!

I really like the idea of being a collectible coin rescuing their kind :)! The jump feels pretty nice, though the fast camera movement involved in it made me a little dizzy. There wasn't much challenge involved, as the hero was unfortunately really difficult to come by: I could camp in the brick room all day waiting for coins to pop up if I wanted. A faster strategy would obviously be to keep collecting the ridiculous amount of money in the out-of-bounds section, but that's the kind of secret that renders the rest of the game meaningless once you know about it :(.

If you plan on adding a leaderboard after the jam, I suggest balancing the way to gain score first, as well as adding a timer or a real threat for a more interesting challenge. Nonetheless, wish you good luck in the future and congrats on the entry :)!

If you do, I'll love to see it :)!

The choices I had to make were so fast-paced I didn't have time to really think about my build and enjoy the progress of the fights unfortunately. I do like the idea of building your loot this way though, and it's also interestingly self-balancing in that the stronger you are, the less time there is for you to add bonuses :). Nicely done!

This is awesome :D! Feels very smooth and juicy, plays like a charm!

I think the bombs have lots of potential: why not make barricades you have to bomb through, for example :)! Or maybe you could make the archers explode. I wish there was a timer as well, this would be loads of fun to speedrun!

Congrats on this little gem, I enjoyed it a lot :)!

(1 edit)

I really dig the progression system! Wish I could get to the crystal past the jetpack, I tried like a dozen times :(… The enemy projectiles are real tricky! It was quite fun traversing the arena anyway though, well done :)!

Hey, thanks a lot for all the feedback :)! I tried to make the orbs spawn very fairly so that the player would get to see them, but I agree they are still easy to miss sometimes. I totally see your point regarding the instructions. As for the orbs, they are actually meant to be bullets you have fired in the past at the turrets :)! Cheers again <3.

I found it quite difficult to get the hero near a wall. Regarding the level design, there were quite a few insignificant parts that only slowed down the time required to retry – this is especially apparent in the  empty ending of level 2. The coins at the goal line in levels 4 and 5 are also redundant, as the outcome is pre-decided before you reach them.

Nonetheless, I applaud you for making all the art and music during the jam, I like the houses and overall setting in particular :). Good job on the entry!

Thanks for the feedback :). I wanted to make the arena a bit bigger than just one screen, but I understand it has some drawbacks as well. Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless!

(1 edit)

I love the story very much, such a vibrant idea to set it into the world of escape rooms :)! I wish there were some tasks for the escapees to do which involve a bit more movement, would make great use of the player's powers. Bugs there are many and they do hinder the gameplay, especially when it comes to visual feedback… But I'm sure they are easy to fix after the jam is over :). Well done!

Interesting puzzles elegantly packed into a tiny grid :)! To be completely honest, I found it quite hard to wrap my head around the rotations and very often performed a move I didn't intend. I really wonder if there perhaps exists a better mapping to this… I'm thinking something like a wheel around the level which you drag with the mouse, seeing all the rotations happening before you release and confirm? I'm also going to mention it since I don't see anyone else bring it up: while the page says you can use the spacebar only once per level, really nothing is stopping you from doing otherwise :).

Still, this is a very solid game with a well executed art style and a stellar soundtrack. Well done on the entry!

Yes, you got it :)! Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it!

Thank you :)! I understand. If you plan on adding something after the jam, I'm curious to see it ;).

What a creative take :)! I dig the intro and overall feel of the game very much! I found it a little counter-intuitive for my trainer not to mind me shooting him directly, but then get mad when the opponent does it. Nonetheless, very well done :D!

What a delightful little experience :)! A fun and aesthetically pleasing gem this, well done!

The UI you made is lovely, I really like the work environment :)! I didn't expect to get to chat with Mark himself either, wow :P! I'm just a bit surprised he hated my responses so much, hmm.

What a silly little defense game :D! I really like how you can push the frozen Marios, that is real smart! The build system is impressive as well, a little buggy, but I like how the camera moves back. Well done!

Cute sprites :)! I found the system behind the game a little too simple, "50 coins = .2 rating" is almost everything you need to describe it. Nonetheless, I like that there is a real goal you have to meet, that pressure makes you think about the choices more. Congrats on the entry!

I was surprised to see the level's collectibles randomly generated each time! While the jump feels a bit floaty and uninteresting, I like the simple idea and the story behind it :). I wonder what the game would be like if it focused more on the puzzle aspect. Good job on the entry!