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(3 edits)

1. Ah, Reksa, our champ. I'm not surprised anymore you picked him and that's why I recommend to do his route last x'D Congrats on finishing all three routes and thank you for giving them all a chance <3 and I understand~ Rama is not everyone's cup a tea but I'm still happy you read through his story to the end!

2. All hail half-naked bishounens! I mean, we need more otome games with fantasy elements! >< I'm glad that my VN caught your eyes~ at first, I was not sure whether people will like my game or not, because it's rare to have novels with Indonesian cuclture in it--not to mention the addition of animal characteristics but I'm glad I took the risk! ^.^

3. Thank you! I try my best to make all characters unique. Even the NPCs, so I'm glad to hear you can relate to the characters :'3 

and lol, Reksa's route was so much fun to write x'D I have so many fave moments there and that's one of them!

There's still room for me to improve though... I'll do my best!

4. Ah, I'm glad you bring it up, my friend! And that's exactly what I wanted to potray. Tamara is not an adult, not mature, and not perfect--just like any of us--and in my opinion, most people in the world starts like that. We have our weaknesses, we are selfish, and we would rather 'talk' than 'listen'. We think our lives are not as fortunate as others, but the truth is each of us have our own problems to tackle.


And that's why Tamara needs to learn about 'tolerance' and 'patience'. In Rama's route, I make a lot of options where the correct answer would often result in Tamara having to wait upon Rama. What I wanted to say/the lesson I'm trying to teach is... if you truly want to understand about someone or if you want someone to open up to you, we need time and patience. 

You don't need to talk, just stay by his side. In Rama's case, you need to put in extra effort because he is mentally weak and he's at his limit, at the end of a 'cliff' if I must say. Just a slight push and... you know the rest >< 

Um... I'm not sure what else I can explain @@ it's a bit hard for me because I've already half forgotten about the events' timeline and order, but in any case! Tamara's efforts after the outburst contributes in a way. At least Rama knows that she's being sincere ^.^ it's one step at a time~ life is all about learning and with time, we'll become wise... this is what I call character development!

I hope I answered your question o.o; I'm sorry about the text wall though ><;; Hope to see you around! 



I'm so happy you took the time to reply!! About the Indonesian culture bit, I forgot to mention but I was actually pleasantly surprised that the game was set in Indonesia! I'm always interested in learning about other cultures, especially those of fellow southeast asian countries (hi from the Philippines lol). And about Tamara's personality, it does make a lot of sense now that you've explained it. Often, we do make the mistake of 'talking' rather than 'listening,' and it's so refreshing for that to be shown in the main character of an otome. I can see the amount of effort you've made into creating a well-balanced game, and I'm glad I was able to enjoy it! Again, thank you so much! I'm looking forward to more of your works <3