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Neat little puzzle builder thingy :D , those are some very enthusiastic bots, first button press i kinda felt bad  smashing them and was like O_o' but then, welp gotta have the parts to build the stuff !

I like the Humor and nods and references ^^ the pixel art is also very good, and i dig the little tune you have in the background, also small detail but i really like the pop up logo thing you did to display the wildcards you used.

Can't really think of any issues really, the tutorial is well made and explains everything you need to play, and it was fun to try out the differeint bot combinations to craft the items, although i couldn't find them all, at some point i couldn't really remember which combinations i tried :P

Congrats and well done :)


Wow thanks for the feedback!  I'm still not sure if it would have been better to include a catalog that would list all the combinations you discovered so far, or if it would be better to leave the player with their own method of tracking it.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Honestly i think it's better to let the player discover, it's part of the charm, i just couldn't find all possibilities cause i played without noting anything about which combinations i already tried or not so that's on me :p