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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Cool update ! I like the new track it’s a nice change of scenery with the daytime castle setting and all. The carts are a bit hard to see coming though they blend a bit too much with the ground’ s color i.m.o, other than that no real issues when i tested it.

Also dig the new music track ! A nice tribute to Outrun2019.

Keep up the good work :)

Haha well it is a bit OP i’ll give you that :p

Thanks for playing ! Glad you liked it :D

Yeah i couldn’t manage to make more for the jam so that’s all there is :(

Happy to hear that you like the laser canon as well XD

Pfheew ! Good to know that the fix seems effective, cause for some reason i’ve had issues with mouse focus on web builds before. So now i have a potential workaround to try and avoid it XD

Hopefully that means the Laser was fun to use ( if a little bit OP still :p)

Thanks for your feedback trabitboy :)

No problem, cool of you to play it again btw ^^

No worries, understandable that you didn’t necesseraly have time for music considering this is a jam entry ^^

Thanks, i’m just your regular garden variety gamedev here on itch so i’m humbled :’)

Haha Well it was a fun challenge, especially getting the 3rd one cause it was a close call :p

No problem, the game is fun, and for a first time drawing this type of chara, she looks cool :)

I won gold at the Catolympics XD

Jokes a side that’s a neat little minigame, simple yet fun. It could use a bit of music in the background to give a bit of variety to the 3 challenges, but i’m nitpicking a bit.

Other than that it’s quite relaxing to play since you focus on trying to find the perfect rhytm to row ahead :)

Fun little puzzle game, i like the Gameboy / Gbc vibes it has :)

really cool puzzle platformer, i really liked how you can stick the eggs to spikes to use as platforms that’s a very clever mechanic.

Also like the main character’s design and her sprite rendition in very low res is quite well done as well ^^

Thanks a lot, it really means the world to me when i see people really seem to like my games ! :D

Thanks for playing it again i’m happy to see you’ve enjoyed the game that much :D

I worked on a small patch after seeing your comment and hopefully i managed to address some of these issues.

I made a toggle on the playerselect menu to enable or disable the viewbob (made it disabled by default for better comfort)

and i tried to have a hotkey to help with the mouse capture issue, though Godot seems a bit wonky on that front with webbuilds cause it sometimes doesn’t seem to react properly, but i don’t think i can do any better on that particular aspect sorry :/

Thanks a lot again for your kind words ^^

Yeah the randomness made it a bit tougher but it also spiced things up a bit with the unpredictability

Thanks PoodlePilot !

Thats sort of the “hole” i dug myself into :p i want to have my jam entries not feel unfinished even if they end up very short but it is quite a challenge to manage doing so on time O_o so i’m happy if i make it and i’m glad you appreciate the effort ^^

Yup didn’t get the time to properly balance things so the game ended up maybe a bit too easy in the end. I decided to have a different approach to loadouts this year to give players more choice, instead o having a starter loadout per character, i made a selection of a few starter weapons(cause last year some starter loadouts were too OP XD) and have some of the heavier stuff only as pickups in levels and hid a bunch around.

This was a bit of a gamble but i’m happy it turned out working cause i thought having missions be a bit more different than just a map change would spice things up a bit more ^^

Haha well you can never have too many chunky pixels :)

Thanks ! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my game ^^

The sort of approach i have for most of my sci fi games with the multiple characters is kind of like “What if Starfox but grittier sci-fi on Psx or Saturn” so in a way i see where you got the Snes vibe from XD

I’m personally not a big fan of CRT filters in modern retro games but if i could this would be a good option to add, though i have no idea how to make such a filter in Godot (probably shaders but my knowlege on that front is still quite limited)

Yeah i didn’t have much time for balance so all the enemies and weapons deal very low test damage :/ and the sound i didn’t properly adjusted for the same time reasons, but like i said i didn’t expect it to turn out THAT loud in the end O_o

Thanks CrimsonBulb !

Glad you’ve enjoyed the game, and the level design as well, i did the best i could with the time i had XD

Yeah i should have aimed for a bit higher speeds for all the mechs, cause the slower ones ended up reaaaaaaally slow O_o

I wanted to have at least as much variety as my previous entry, possibly more but time got short, still managed to get a bunch done, just sad i couldn’t manage to pull off the beam weapon in time to have it improved compared to last year’s janky mess :p

Very cool 3D platformer !

I really like the simple beat em up mechanics here with the dash hit and the spinning kick, also like that these moves can also be used as tools in the platforming, i’d just say that the barrier mechanic to progress to the next area isn’t very intuitive to understand i.m.o cause it took me a bit of time to get what i was supposed to do in the 1st arena.

Visually this looks pretty cool as well, you’ve fully embraced the cheesy early tokkusatsu style down to having this little “bam” sfx that feels very 60’s Batman :p My only tiny nitpick with the artstyle is that the lighting has some very dark shadows to it, normally this wouldn’t be an issue but here i felt it sometimes hid a bit of the platforms.

Overall quite a fun entry, good job :)

Thanks for your feedback Gloriousclover, glad you’ve enjoyed the game despite the many issues.

Yup can’t argue with the sound issue didn’t take time to properly balance it or make a menu to adjust it, didn’t expected it to be as loud as it ended up though.

I wanted level 3 to be a bit larger but ended up a bit too large for its own good can’t argue with that especially if you chose one of the slow mechs :(

Weapons in general aren’t balanced at all cause i ran out of time so i left everyting doing the same amount of damage thus some of the supposedly stronger weapons being underwhelming, also the RL is auto but it fires slower, the fact you can spam it is cause i didn’t put an input check to prevent spam clicking again poor time management on my part :p for the same reason there’s also a weapon in the game that’s semi cut as of now.

Yeah i didn’t know which colors i wanted to make for buildings so they ended up mostly gray with some color notes here and there, i also tried something a bit experimental on that front which sort of put a bit of limitations on the environement textures, i tried having all map assets use the same texturesheet to hopefully improve performance, cause my previous Mech jam entry had a bunch of performance issues.

This wasn’t one of the references i had in mind when making this but glad it made you think of goldeneye XD

Though i’m not sure i could acheive making a difficulty variant dependent objectives system like they did.

Haha no worries, limited time always means you can’t get 100% of what you wanted to do out of the door so that’s fine.

Mad respect for using procedural animation :o and i think it looks pretty cool as well.

I suppose so, cause last year i’ve had issues with UE5 projects as well sorry :/

Top tier sequel !

This is really good, i came in expecting similar puzzles to the first one, and i got pleasantly surprised by the fact that while the core concept is kind of the same, the mechanics are a bit different.

One thing that stood out for me gameplay wise is that you can’t walk back so the only way to do so is to rely on your gun’s recoil, this is super clever :D

The level select option is also a nice thing to have for the jam, cause this time i wasn’t able to get to the end, these levels are a bit harder than in the first one.

Still had a blast though, great game, well done :)

Rise of the robots : Ultimate chaos turbo tournament edition !

Okay my stupid jokes aside this is quite a lot of fun to play, the WASD + mouse combo makes this easy to pickup and play, the enemy spawnrate however makes this quite difficult to survive O_o the thrower enemy’s bombs are also a bit hard to see among all the chaos going on on screen.

Oddly enough i kinda like the crazy fast pace the game has though, it really captures the ongoing revolution theme pretty well i think.

Visually i really dig the pre rendered mech (at least i suppose it was made this way :p), that tripod design is very cool, and the workerbots look nice as well.

Overall i didn’t survive all that long but i had a blast, good job guys :)

The game looks super rad, unfortunately i can’t seem to run it on my machine so i can’t try it to see how it plays :(

I really like the mech design and environements though, especially these bespin-like sky structures ^^

Thanks for giving my game a shot !

Yup sound eneded up a bit more rougher than i expected outside of not haviong much time to adjust the volume properly, i know i’m still not that great at making higher quality sfx which is probably why they are as compressed and bad as they ended up here sorry about the inconvenience if i get time post jam i’ll try to change some of these to be less annoying to the ears :(

I thought this was the best approach personally so players could choose their prefered perspective, the mouse sensitivity issue is due to time, i hard coded it for the jam but again if i get time post jam i can probably add a setting so that it can be customized to (hopefully) get a better experience ^^

Thanks for your feedback, glad you liked the game despite the issues !

I didn’t have much time to finetune a lot of things and sound was among those and i wasn’t sure a patch was allowed during voting just to change the volume, so i’m sorry about the inconvenience :( though i didn’t expect it would be that loud compared to when i ran it in the editor.

I wanted to have a better gamefeel this time around compared to my previous Mech game so i spent a bit more time making animations to help sell the weight of the mechs even if they’re not super giant EVA scaled ones :p

Dope fighting game thats like Megaman Xtreme mixed with Smash Bros !

The spritework and music are incredible, this has a very authentic GB color feel to it and i like the attention to detail on display here. The character designs are also quite rad by my book and i like the fact that you have quite a lot to choose from for a jam game :O

I picked Dragoon cause she looked the coolest with her shades B)

managed to win 2 rounds and the 3rd one absolutely destroyed me every time so i couldn’t beat it till the end. But this doesn’t detract from the overall quality of the game.

Very solid entry especially for a solo one, well done ^^

Very cool concept !

TYhis kinda reminded me of Sonic 3D blast when you run around the level with an army of flickies behind you only here without the annoying part where they can get hurt by the enemies XD

Visually i dig Duckbot’s design and the fact that everything is just flat shaded with no textures gives it a Snes super FX or Sega 32x vibe which is pretty rad as well.

My main issues(rather more nitpicks to be honest, cause it’s probably due to time and that’s fine) :

-the game is a bit short -it would have been nice if it had music and sound

Other than that it’s a nice game that you could expand upon with more enemy variety more levels maybe either puzzle elements to complete the levels or combat if you add enemy types that fight back or something.

Good job ^^

Thanks for trying my game out, i’m glad you liked it ^^

Yeah i was hoping the movement sway wouldn’t trigger any motion sickness cause i made it very light just to spice up the animation, but i should have considered making it optional in case it did, my bad sorry :(

Dashing could be an option i’ll see if i get some post jam time to try implementing one if i know how without breaking my movement code XD

And to awnser your question i made the game in Godot engine :)

No sweat, it’s understandable within jam time constraints, and the 2D gizmo should definitively help with orientation :)

Thanks for playing

Really cool and atmospheric Mech sim tech demo !

I really dig the aesthetic and how you’ve conveyed the heaviness of the mech through the animations, also the alternate history USSR setting is a pretty neat setting.

The controls are a bit odd though, i kinda see what you went for but i feel the clunkyness comes from 2 aspects :

  • the interpolated mouselook doesn’t seem to have a point where it stops so you often end up turning the head all the way in one direction or the other, though if you find a way to adjust this so the player can better control the amount by wich it turns this system is great to keep the “Sim” feel

  • the 3D orientation gizmo while looking cool, is a bit confusing to know where the head is facing, i think you could have one in 2D to have a bit clearer info on where the head and legs are facing.

Other than that it’s a cool concept, well done ^^

Cool expansion on your Mech series !

This also has the added bonus of feeling laser accurate to the era of RTS game it’s inspired from down to the awesome battle music, i also like how you kept the salvage mechanics of your sim game to use as parts for repairing your mech units or outfit your new constructed ones from the repair bay, also points for having voice acting.

The game is just a tad bit difficult i think i was able to construct a third mech destroyed one enemy but when exploring i encountered a bit more at a time and lost the battle cause i had not enough scrap to construct more units.

But it was fun regardless, and i really liked going back to this very Mech warrior like game series of yours, you guys did a good job :)

Haha well that’s gamedev in a nutshell i guess :p

well probably more a me issue than a balance issue i guess, you’ll have to see if there are more people struggling against the Hard AI

Thanks a lot for your comment :D

and i’m really glad you like the art direction i went for ^^ i’ve always liked how grungy some of the games from this era looked so i tried my best to capture that.

very nice of you to think so especially since i only managed to cram in 3 missions because time constraints, so no need to be jealous XD

Yeah i kinda wanted to have the player be able to see what the pilots would see from the cockpit as well if they wanted so i implemented both views like i did in my previous mech game only this time i did it a bit better (hopefully) so no more clipping guns when hugging walls in FPS view :p the only gameplay thing related to the fps cam in my case is that the scoped weapons display their screens only in that view (so a bit more basic compared to what you did for your previous game i’m sure ^^ but it gets the job done)

Thanks again for the follow,i don’t make games all that often but hopefully you’ll see something you like from time to time :)

Sounds great, i think letting the players choose the camera angle could be the best option here :)

No problem, a cooldown mechanic sounds like a good compromise to get what you intended with a less frustrating method than being able to destroy powerups.

Have a nice jam as well ^^

No worries, jams be jams with time constraints and all that :p

Cool, if i get some time i’ll give it another go, though i’ll admit i’m not sure i’ve got the skill to beat the hard computer XD

Solid top down arena shooter.

I really like the approach of being able to build your mech and fully customize its loadout before you head into the arena to kill some bugs, the UI is also really well made and i dig the closing door transition between screens.

The pixel art is also pretty nice, the mech parts and ants seem all nice and detailed.

My main gripe is that progression feels a bit slow, it’s quite hard to survive all that long the the default guns so you can’t rack all that much cash each run, i feel that other parts & weapons in the shop should have info on how or when you can unlock them cause some parts i had the cash for but they were still not available to purchase so i had no idea what to do to unlock more.

other than that the name’s fitting cause it was a blast to play :D (couldn’t resist the joke sorry)

Nice game, Good job ^^

Awesome take on the racing game genre, with strong presentation music and gameplay !

This is such a cool concept, and the drifting mechanics feel really satisfying to use, i also like the fact that you’ve essentially use the mario kart rules with the 3 different levels of drift that can end up boosting you.

I really like the visuals, the mech designs are super cool, not to mention these EVA style paintjobs XD and the interpolated textures really gave me some N64 vibes. Also gotta applaude the UI design very polished for a jam game.

I just think i encountered a bug, whenever you fall off the map, the game respawns you back into the void so you have no choice but to restart the race if you make a mistake.

Other than that, solid game, well done :)

Haha good to know, you can never have too many stupid jokes :p

And yup really liked it with the whole warioware shtick, plus the some of the mech trivia questions i really liked ^^