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Thank you for playing! I agree, a lot of people didn't got far in the game due to it being hard, I thought it was easy mainly because I know every shortcuts and what not, I'll definitely add something to show the whole map, maybe a minimap perhaps. Yeah the character has a different resolution than the tiles, the level design still needs to be improved. The enemies sometimes bug out and deal twice or thrice their intended damage. Hmmm, standing on them cause damage, you mean? I don't know <.<; Hehe, anyway, thank you for the feedback.


It is always hard to tell if the game is too easy or too hard as a developer. As I was afraid of that, my game is way too easy XD. Once, I stood on one enemy and he walked in a thin path so I fell and he turned over ^^'


Oh yeah I know about that, I wanted a proper knock back effect so the player would get far away from the enemy to prevent the enemy repeating. But I guess it didn't make the cut :p.