I will admit we haven't updated this as much as we should, but also we haven't added much since our last post. All we added to our MVP is the ability to teleport around the room, after much struggle (I accidentally put a UI object that blocked all raycasts whoops), as well as starting to create a way for the player screen to fade in and out when teleporting (the idea is like the player is blinking rather than just being forcefully moved). We also updated the object mechanics so the player cannot look at the same item twice (even though the second time doesn't do anything). The only feature we haven't included in this version is a UI story element - a small scroll detailing the hint to find the next object - alongside some voiced lines, but we already know the framework we want to take with this, and it shouldn't be too difficult to implement it. Truthfully, one of our members was being overwhelmed with another project, and this would rely heavily on their help, so we elected to add it later, when all of us would be better suited to working on it. Even if this member cannot help for another few days, the other two should be able to lay out the framework, so the other member can come in and do the minimal amount of work necessary to finish the feature.
We also worked a bit on creating the clues for each object to find, but this is proving much more difficult than originally planned because riddles are hard. It is coming along though, and we have a base story line to work off of. We'll continue working on these as we go, most likely editing the hints and clues until it makes the most sense to the player.