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This covers my favorite trope. Monster and child friendship. That is all. :D

But I now want to make a fanfic sequel where the monster and the kid meet again and maybe the kid's adopted family lets the monster become a part of the family? Is that oki?

Also wait is the monster male or female? And is the child a boy or a girl?

Oh my god, this is so cute and I am so honored. ;o; Thank you! I am more than okay with that! Please let me know when you've written it, I'd love to read it. 

The Monster doesn't have a gender, they just go by they/them. The child is a young girl and goes by she/her. c: I'll be happy to answer any other questions as well. Thank you so much for this very kind comment!

Yw! X3

Also prepare for more questions. Srry.

Say um what time does this game take place? I originally thought it was in the middle ages or something, but then the girl mentioned the police in the end and I got confused. And I started thinking about the girl and her adopted siblings trying to take the monster to school like this:

Also do the monster or the girl have any names? Or is it up to the player?

No worries! My responses may be a bit sporadic, though.

The game takes place in contemporary/modern times, or at least leading up to 2020. Maybe 2019, or thereabout, but it's not necessarily significant. Ma'am keeps them in the woods to disorient them and make them feel detached from the outside world, so it makes sense that the time period wouldn't be super clear, apologies for the confusion, though.

I have names for them now, but at the time of making this version of the game, I hadn't come up with any. I was kind of rushing for the game jam, so there's a lot of loose ends I want to clear up when I'm done making the extended version. c: I do want to leave this version more open ended to kind of be its own story with its own conclusions to be drawn, and the "extended" one I'm working on will be something separate from this, but with much of the same vibe and story.

Wait you are making another game with a child and a monster guardian?

I'm planning on revising and extending this story to have more detail and gameplay. I also have other game ideas with monsters and emotional turmoil because that's kind of the groove I find myself in, lol

Yis OwO

When that game gets released hecc yea I will play it.

Say do you have any social media?

I absolutely do!

You can follow me on Twitter (@SmokeAndAsh95), Instagram (@SmokeAndAsh95), Facebook (@SmokeAndAshArt), YouTube (Constellation Animations / ThinkGaming), and I've just started recently streaming on Twitch! (@SmokeAndAsh)

I plan to create some assets for the new game on Twitch at some point. c:


Followed ya!

Thanks! 🌻💚