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So I heard of this game for the first time because someone in a discord server pointed this game out and it looked somewhat interesting.

To keep it short, I enjoy the new mechanics that the game has implemented. I just kind of dislike how the "inverse" walls were implemented initially because it ends as the inverse walls end, which I thought was weird, but I guess it takes some time getting used to.

One major improvement I think this game needs is to help space out the patterns. When playing the levels I felt the walls were way too thick and you barely get any space to navigate between patterns, which I can barely handle on the normal view. On the tunnel view it looks like a bullet hell nightmare and it's the spacing that makes it difficult for me to determine where to go. I wouldn't mind trading off the walls to be faster if it means we get better spacing between patterns, or if the walls were to be more thin I'd think that'd be nice.

There's some bugs in the game such as the music all of a sudden not playing anymore and the obvious lag when trying to go the menu, and I do think there is a lack of polish in the aesthetics. Overall a good game and I see potential in it. Keep it up!

Hi. Thanks very much for the feedback.

To be clear, when you talk about the 'inverse' walls, you're referring to the differently coloured wall patterns on Level 5 that swap the controls?

Do you think the walls are too thick throughout the game, or just on Level 1?

On which levels did you notice the music suddenly stopping? 

And yeah, we are aware of the crappy loading lag, will try and fix that in the next update.

Yeah. I refer to the red walls on Level 5. I call them "inverse" walls due to how they invert the controls. It's weird because I expect the controls to go back to normal when I come across my first normal wall, and not the last "inverse" wall. Again, I guess this is something I'll have to get used to.

The pattern spacing I notice is something throughout the whole game. It's not too big of a deal on the first level, but when speed picks up it starts to become a much bigger deal. I think the wall thickness is fine for spiral patterns. Just for barrages, I think the walls could half their thickness and it'd be perfect. Same spacing and it'll be good! :)

What happens for the music glitch is that whenever you leave the application out of focus for too long, the music doesn't loop and stops completely, and this prevents any additional music from playing until you leave the level.

I see what you mean with the red walls. I think I'll add an option so that people can play with the mode you describe instead if they want.

Walls feeling too thick is not something I've noticed myself or heard from other people who have played the game a lot. But the way you write about it sounds convincing. I'll experiment with reducing them and maybe make some alternate thin-wall versions of levels for people to try in the next update.

And thanks for identifying what causes the music bug, that's very helpful. Will fix.