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CORE Games

A member registered Apr 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked the game. Nice video.

A couple of options that might make things easier for you:

  • Set 'inside input' to 'inverted' (in the controls section of the setup menu). You mentioned at one point that you found the input direction confusing, this way might feel more intuitive.
  • Set 'restart delay' to 1 or 2 seconds (in general section). This will give you a bit more time to adjust between runs as you get used to the game.


Really glad to hear you're enjoying the game and have played so much of it.

The first two points you mentioned are bugs we're aware of that should be fixed soon.

The third point I've not heard before. Do you mean the walls are actually transparent on that level? If so please send me a screenshot, they're definitely not supposed to be. I have had a few other people complain about the intensity of the black/white palette, so I think I might change it so that it only shows up in the tutorial.

Thanks very much for the detailed feedback. See you on the leaderboards.

Woah nice, thanks for all this. 

-Agreed that transitions need some extra delay time especially on harder/hardest difficulties, will adjust this.

-Level 2 square barrage spiral: This should always be beatable, unless there is a bug. You have to start moving right by the edge of the first ring, else you won't make it - it doesn't give you as much time as a full spiral, so if you start from further away you might fail and feel it was impossible. If you have footage of when you died to that pattern, we could determine if there really is a bug or not. I am unsure myself if there is something wrong here sometimes, but then I look at the code and it should be fine.

-Level 2 Hardest: Lol, I wasn't done balancing that level and meant to disable it in this build. It's completely broken. Well done beating it you madman.

-Level 6 Harder + Hardest were still unfinished so they're meant to be disabled.

Thanks for the help. I am gonna post a link to your video on here if you don't mind?

I played Open Hexagon again this week and I think I get where you're coming from. OH generally has faster walls and a faster cursor with more permissive gaps, whereas Heptagon currently has a much slower cursor but tighter reaction times, so it feels like you are moving through mud when you go from the fast game to the slow one.

I've balanced the new level 6 to feel much more like an Open Hexagon level, and I've also adjusted some of the existing harder + hardest difficulty levels to be more OH-like (this update will be out in a few days). The challenge now will be finding the right balance for each level. I think the slow cursor is better for new players, and I want both slow and fast cursor levels in the game, but I also need the difference between levels to not be too jarring, as it is currently when you go from Open Hexagon to this game.

We are planning on adding more graphics options eventually. Not sure why your GPU would be spiking in the options menu, will look into it.

Not planning on changing the colour scheme, but the cursor is definitely too close to the shape (sometimes even overlapping it) on some levels, which we'll fix soon.

Hi, thanks for the detailed feedback.

1. You're right that the difficulty curve is a bit whack. I'm thinking of increasing the speed of the casual levels from Level 2 onwards, or else just removing them entirely. Originally, they were made just as very slowed-down versions of the hard levels so that newer players would have somewhere to start, but now Level 1 is doing that job. L1.1 -> L1.2 -> L2.2 is a much smoother progression than L2.1 -> L2.2, currently.

2. Thanks for this, will fix.

3. For me, I like the feeling of having almost no break between restarts, especially if I am playing a long session where I restart 50+ times. But I get that not everyone plays like this - I'll add an option to put a delay between restarts (that won't affect score).

4. The game used to work as you describe and always restart at the same pattern, but I changed it because I think random resets are more fun on longer sessions. You don't feel like you're back at square one every time you hit space. I might change it back to be this way on Level 1 though, to make it easier for people to acclimatise.

I see what you mean with the red walls. I think I'll add an option so that people can play with the mode you describe instead if they want.

Walls feeling too thick is not something I've noticed myself or heard from other people who have played the game a lot. But the way you write about it sounds convincing. I'll experiment with reducing them and maybe make some alternate thin-wall versions of levels for people to try in the next update.

And thanks for identifying what causes the music bug, that's very helpful. Will fix.

Currently we have no plans to make a level editor. The levels are all written directly in C#, there's no scripting language or anything that we could easily make available. If the game does decently well and there seems to be sufficient interest, we might add one sometime after release.

Failing that, I expect I will eventually release the source code anyway, which people can do what they want with.

Hi. Thanks very much for the feedback.

To be clear, when you talk about the 'inverse' walls, you're referring to the differently coloured wall patterns on Level 5 that swap the controls?

Do you think the walls are too thick throughout the game, or just on Level 1?

On which levels did you notice the music suddenly stopping? 

And yeah, we are aware of the crappy loading lag, will try and fix that in the next update.

Lol nice. We will definitely have some much harder levels in future to push you further :)

Thanks again, this kind of detailed info is really helpful for us. We'll try and get them fixed for you in the next update :)

Thanks, we'll look into it.

Expect an update with new content + fixes in a week or so.


Keep an eye out for more levels coming soon!

(2 edits)

CORE Games is a small team, currently working towards the full release of our first project, HEPTAGON

You can see our project demo page at the link above.

We are making swift progress towards release, and we would like to bring on another competent programmer to help get us there faster. If you are looking for a project to work on, are experienced working in C# + Unity, and enjoy rhythm games, then get in touch. If you'd like to help but can't code, get in touch anyway and we'll see if we can find a job for you.

You can do this by emailing us at, sending a DM to Robomoo#5070 on Discord, or just leaving a comment.

Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you!