Datzz2 - It's unlikely that any of the packages we sent out have arrived... but let's wait and see if anyone can confirm that.
The issue is that as we started shipping out these prizes, we were also hearing from our shipping partners that various shipping channels were being shut down. Where we once had over a dozen options... we now only have one option (other than DHL/FedEx - which is insanely expensive). The option we're left with is Slow Shipping aboard an actual cargo ship. What we used before was E-Packet which went aboard cargo planes. With the slow shipping option the typical delivery times start at 30 days... and can be up to 60 days.
This is a sad situation not only for the prizes we're sending out but for our online business in general. As it means that our customers around the world now have to wait much longer to receive the things they've ordered from us. And it's not just us... this is an issue that's impacting shipping services globally.
Strange days we're living in!