Dear Pirates,
The world has changed so much since the weekend back in January where you all jumped aboard the Pirate Jam Pre-Jam Skirmish. I really hope this post finds you, your families, and friends all happy, healthy, and warm despite the virus storm raging outside. One thing all sailors know is that no matter how tall the waves and ferocious the winds... all storms must pass. Hold fast!
This note is to let you all know that I finally made it back to Shanghai and sent out your prizes. Here are some of the Doubloons ready for packing and shipping...
With the current state of global shipping... I have no idea how long it will be before these arrive with the winners. Here in China, things are slowly getting back to normal. And we are able to pack, label, and send... at least as far as getting these out of China on their way to places like the UK, US, Australia, Italy, France, and more. What happens to the packages upon arrival in the destination countries... at this point, who knows?
As with everything else going on right now... we'll just have to cross our fingers and hope for the best!
Lastly... if you're looking for a bit of an escape, you might enjoy watching the videos produced at Pirate Jam 2020.
Those are up on my YouTube channel in a Pirate Jam Playlist.
Sending pirate arrrrg's to you all from Shanghai,