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Alright, I had this nagging question that I just have to ask (and a couple others brought this up as well) because there's been a recent uptick in interest for your game here.

- Will there be any sort of a chance that the users can create their own levels where they can customize everything to their hearts content and ability?

I'm curious to know because we don't know exactly the process it takes for you to make each specific level in the game.

What's your opinions on this?

Currently we have no plans to make a level editor. The levels are all written directly in C#, there's no scripting language or anything that we could easily make available. If the game does decently well and there seems to be sufficient interest, we might add one sometime after release.

Failing that, I expect I will eventually release the source code anyway, which people can do what they want with.

Deleted 1 year ago