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So as someone who finished the 16th build with choosing to submit to the parents, I'm rather curious on what happens when you don't submit?

I don't care about spoilers. I finished the story and I'm leaving it as is.

I am still curious though to what happens if you don't submit, so if you're willing... spoil away please.


Well, I don't know if it was only because of that, since I think it was a mix of all my answers, but when I didn't decide to help them, what happened was that I was left to die. Instead of getting the moment where Amicus saves me, my conciousness just slowly faded away as the parents told me that they would try again in other generation, with other human. Even though, my answers were "Oblivion", "Talk with Neferu", "I'm not sure" (since Amicus at that moment looked like he had good intentions, but seemed like he was not ready to rule a kingdom) and "No, i will not submit", so maybe I just chose all the wrong answers

Well shit, that's an ending.


Some say that there's other where you talk with meera, but I wasn't able to get that one, so, I don't know what you need to get there or what you talk about, so I take that with a grain of salt

For me i got the meera ending by choosing "I'm not sure"(to amicus being emperor) and saying "yes" to the parent's will...