Wht u talkin bout i engrish good. U r bad smrt. I awsom gme dvlpr.
Nah, I enjoyed your criticism. Not sure why, maybe it has something to do with the "Zyroidkarbie will eat your balls" XD.
What I was trying to go for with the whole 'Fate System' was to add some level of replayability to the game and to add in more endings. As you can tell from the game, I never added that (Because I got lazy -_-).
Now that I look back at the game, it is pretty bland. I should have at least put in some more decorations (Non-Physical ones at that) and some more colour.
As for Zyroidkarbie. I made it invisable since I wanted the player to use their ears to find it. I guess that really only works when the ####ing audio works properly :/
The physics look like something out of Goat Simulator among all things. Maybe the fact I made the 'Physics Engine' from scratch might have something to do with it.
Like I said in my game. I will clean it up, polish it and maybe add some stuff (Checkpoints are one of them).
Anyway, glad you (sort of) enjoyed it :)
These games are still learning experiences for me, not that it makes the games any less s##t. So, hey. At least I learned something today :D
I hope the rest of your day is great :3