I feel you brother.
These days, it seems that everybody who isn't a full-on Marxist is considered an "evil right-wing conservative". Disagree with any part of the accepted narrative, and you're branded and outcast, regardless of what your views are on other issues.
Note that a lot of this is because of pressure from large corporations-- you'll notice that these big companies are vocally political, shoving their opinions down everybody's throats whether we want it or not. It's most likely that their invisible bosses tell them to push a particular agenda, so they do so. Otherwise, nobody would even be talking about this stuff. A way to think about it: for generations, Hollywood has had a monopoly on mass media, and a lot of the wealthy powerful people have wormed their way into that system in order to use it to promote their worldviews. Control what people watch and see, and you control how they think.
Now that videogames are a potentially bigger form of entertainment than TV and movies, these same people are trying to take over. Videogames, if left to being "just fun"-- is too much of a threat to their established propaganda system. Their political agenda could really be any political agenda-- they've latched onto extreme leftism. It's really about control.
It's really sad. I just wanted to make pixel art and fun video games, and most people probably feel the same way. Did you see that presentation at GDC that talked about how all video games should be political? Games are supposed to be about FUN. I feel like I'm constantly bombarded with political stuff, to the point where it's simply pushing me further and further to the right.
The more they try to shame what they imagine to be wrongthink, the more it makes me feel like I have no choice but to speak up. This thread itself is a good example: we feel like we're alone out there because of the incredible pressure of "the left". In response, we want to announce our own politics just so that other people of a like mind feel less trapped-- the result: things just get even more politicized. It's a horrible cycle.
Best approach imo is just stick to your guns. Stay indie, work hard, and don't let Big Brother keep you down.