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Do "data.asm" is a bank of sorts that holds the assets, and "template.c " pulls/references those assets?

Yes. To do the link, you'll simply import the definitions from data.asm as "extern variables" in your C file.

For example, in my data.asm I have the lines:

.incbin "sprites16.pic"

(the "sprites16.pic" file being a BMP file converted to the SNES format by PVSNESLib)

Then, in my C file, in the variable declarations I use the line:

extern char spritesGFX, spritesGFX_end;

Now I can use those variables in my code: "spritesGFX" is the beginning of the graphical data, while "spritesGFX_end" is their end.

That way, I can load the graphical data from the ROM to the VRAM using the following line:

oamInitGfxSet(&spritesGFX, (&spritesGFX_end-&spritesGFX), &spritesPAL, (&spritesPAL_end-&spritesPAL), 0, 0x4000, OBJ_SIZE16);

The "&" in front of the variable name is meant to indicate that I don't need the variable value, but their address in memory (well, in that case in ROM), as we'll use the start/end address to load the data in VRAM (at least, that's how PVSNESLib works!)

All this code comes directly for the source code of Keeping SNES Alive btw.


Thanks for the directions! I'll start working on a pong-clone over the next few days to get the hang of C.