Yes. To do the link, you'll simply import the definitions from data.asm as "extern variables" in your C file.
For example, in my data.asm I have the lines:
.incbin "sprites16.pic"
Then, in my C file, in the variable declarations I use the line:
extern char spritesGFX, spritesGFX_end;
Now I can use those variables in my code: "spritesGFX" is the beginning of the graphical data, while "spritesGFX_end" is their end.
That way, I can load the graphical data from the ROM to the VRAM using the following line:
oamInitGfxSet(&spritesGFX, (&spritesGFX_end-&spritesGFX), &spritesPAL, (&spritesPAL_end-&spritesPAL), 0, 0x4000, OBJ_SIZE16);
The "&" in front of the variable name is meant to indicate that I don't need the variable value, but their address in memory (well, in that case in ROM), as we'll use the start/end address to load the data in VRAM (at least, that's how PVSNESLib works!)
All this code comes directly for the source code of Keeping SNES Alive btw.