Alpha 3 is up on the project page, featuring the first MG (finally) and the unique mechanic of the game: the Interrupt System!
When a unit is attacked - yours or theirs - they have the opportunity to respond; spend Action Points to Evade (literally dodge into a nearby tile) or Tank the hit (lose HP, but save AP for the following turn). In this sense, it becomes a game of teamwork to bring your opponents down; a magical girl with a flashy boss-killer attack isn't going to do much good if her team can't pin it down first. On the flipside, if she gets attacked whilst still charging that anti-boss move, her team-mate with a towershield can intercept it by literally swapping their positions.
...Not that I've actually implemented those two characters yet, but I'm hoping to get those done in the time remaining. Getting the Interruption System functioning was a bit of a slog and took longer than expected to implement, on the player-side more than for the AI, weirdly enough.
Anyway, onto the characters! The first MG to make it into the game, designed by the talented CornyBones over at Sufficient Velocity: Talga!

She fits the 'Attacker' role in the MG squad: she has a decent melee attack and good movement, letting her go where she's needed to keep pressure off of the specialists, but she doesn't have much in the way of defence on her own, so don't get her overwhelmed.