Intro cartoon is done!
If you haven't seen it on my feed back thread, watch it here!
Also I've been working on a few of the minor bugs.
Previously, when you walked into a wall, the walk sound would play over the top of itself on repeat, which was annoying.
Now, when you walk into a wall, you get a subtle bump sound.
I added a small stunned animation for when Roopit and Boopit walk into a wall as well.
And another angry animation for when they bump into each other and little rebound noise! :)
Also, there is now a little dust cloud behind them when they run, very cartoony! I love it! :D
Check it out
There were a few other little bug that I had a crack at as well, and I'm pretty happy with how things are shaping up!
Play the game for yourself! I always down to hear some feedback!
Heres a link
Have fun! :D