Here's all that i found:
- Menù hard to coomprehend, but maybe it's just me... (i was clicking the up and down keys on my keyboard for a while)
- Shouldn't be the menù a level??? It has much more sense…
- TYPO on level 2??? (Toiler => Toilet)
- This thing
- Why can't i open doors if the game it's not paused??? -_-
- That doesn't look like Inbiamba Jombes at all... It's just a zombie with an hat... (Where is the whip???)
- This thing (looks like a bug if you ask me)
- Why that door in level 8 exist??? Also the main mechanic can be totally ignored in that level...
- Way too precise manovers to get that toilet paper in level 9...
- Also, still in level 9 you can build a door and open it underneat the mummy's feet and open it, and it freaks out for a while...
- Thtat's something... (btw, this can occur in ANY level, not just in level 9)
- I haven't tryied myself, but if the door on the floor is a bug, then i'm pretty sure you can softlock yourself…
- Some toliet paper are straith up impossible to get... good to known
And that's it!!! I hope this feedback is usefull!!! This game honestly was a blast to play!!! =D