It's simultaneously easier and harder than it's ever been before, which is the least helpful answer ever.
It's easier in terms of tools, engines and open distribution and publishing platforms (like Itch!). In 2020, the barriers to entry in terms of getting to market is incredibly low. Small studios can handle their own publishing and marketing like never before.
The flip-side of that, of course, is that there are that many more games in market. Getting attention and recognition is harder than ever in indie circles. Making money, then, is harder than ever.
I think if you're going into this wanting (needing?) a financial success, you need to think very carefully. It's a super risky business if you're putting anything on the line (a day job, for example), and you need to go in with very thorough schedules, business plans and funding strategies.
I actually published a short article on exactly this topic the other day after a bunch of Twitter threads surfacing the same questions: