sorry I didn’t know what cuckolding was so I had to search it up, if my understanding is off please let me know :)!
From my understanding (which may be wrong!), cuckolding is when there are three “partners” and two of them are a lot more into each other than the last person, so one person may be left out or be an observer or something. But I think in this game there is a full relationship being made between the three individuals, so is that not cuckolding? Correct me If I’m wrong! I definitely respect your view point and opinion, I just want to understand what exactly you do not like because I might have a different understanding of what cuckolding is haha! Because the way I see it is that technically the main character has all the desires as “partners” (:p hehe) so is it not wierd that the desires don’t have the freedom to also fall in love with others? Please do reply whomever may disagree or agree instead of the upvoting and downvoting lol because I’d actually like to hear people’s opinions about this haha