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Hello! No worries, you are no bother.~
The desire 1, 2, 3 and 4 scenes depend on your affection with Areen at that point in his quest! Therefore it's not possible to get all of the CGs from this scene in one file.

Of course, no problem at all!~

Yikshi's over all favorite gifts are the "Leather Whip" and the "Fluffycuffs" which can both be bought from the "Joy's Toys" store in Pallymore.
Xora's favorite at this point in time is the "Zucchini salad". You can obtain the recipe by ordering it in Pallymore's restaurant and then cook it in the mansion's kitchen!
Excel's only favorite for now is the "Pure black coffee". You can obtain the recipe by ordering it in Dangoyan's cat café and then cook it in the mansion's kitchen as well.

And thank you so much for your support! I'm really happy you're enjoying the game and I hope you continue to enjoy it, ha ha!~

They keys are already all implemented, just a bit difficult to obtain! Here is a list of all the keys and their locations I've copied from our discord:

Squid key (Bathhouse) - After you checked on Mira after the first trial (it should be at the time the banquet is being prepared), don't skip the time by going to sleep, there is a merman in the kitchen that will ask for your help with taking the trash out. You need to collect all the trash in the kingdom and bring it past the garden, like he says. 

Shell key (Storage Room) - In the meeting room is a vending machine, you can use it to get different kinds of items and with a little luck you'll get the shell key from it!

Octagon key (Break Room - When telling the guards that you want to partake in the trials and they ask you to get the cleaning supplies, check the cleaning supplies in your inventory before handing them over! You'll find the octagon key in them!

Triangle key (Garderobe) - There is a mermaid in the break room which asks you to get a bucket from the meeting room that she forgot there. If you finish that quest and report back to her, she'll reward you with the triangle key.

Fish key (Freezer) - I believe it's on your first evening there, when it's dark, go to the path to Neptune's Throne room and talk to the, from your character's perspective, left guard. You'll be prompt with the decision of either "distracting them" or "Leave". You'll want to distract them. After that is done, sneak into Neptune's room and find the bunch of flowers behind him to his left. That's where you find the key. Be sure not to run though, cause then you'll get caught and it's gameover!

I hope this helped!~

Unfortunately this seems to be a bug as of now. The only way to go around it at the moment is skipping the starting scene in the beginning. I will be sure to fix it for the next update!

As of now, unfortunately there is no function to them yet!

I'm sorry you're receiving this error! The halloween pack might not be working for everyone currently since it is very outdated. I will fix this with the next update!

You can get the key in two ways: You can either go to the broker agency and talk to the broker there to buy the key or you can search for it yourself outside of the mansion. I've attached a picture of the location of the key! 
As for more yandere desires, yes, a few have been planned!

No problem! I'm glad it helped!~

Oh please excuse me! I meant to say the sofa, not the bed! That's my bad!

After quest 7 you can go to either Puzzle or your mansion (if you own it) to trigger the next quest!


1. You can romance every desire that you can make a contract with! There are also many side characters that are/will be romanceable! (Shawn, Tyler, etc) 

2. Of course! The next update will come with a new quest, probably even 2 or more! 

3. I have been wanting to upgrade the desires' rooms soon anyway and adding a bed to each room was part of the plan, ha ha!~

4. Yes! I'm trying to get the option done for the next update, though it could be that not all of them will come with CGs yet.

5. It is planned for the future, yes! 

Thank you for the support and the kind words! I'm really happy you're enjoying the game, ha ha!~

I believe the scene you are talking about is the "dreamscape" scene!
Dreamscape scenes are currently very buggy due to a plugin not working correctly. For now, you can skip dreamscapes by opening the settings/cheats menu before starting the dreamscape. You can do that by pressing Q on your keyboard, going to Technical Cheats >Reset & Settings > Change starting settings > Skip dreamscapes. 
As of now, this is the only way to get past dreamscape scenes for players that these bug out for, but I am looking into the issue and hoping to make them fully functional soon!

I'm glad you're enjoying it!~
I'm still figuring out how to make a mobile version, but when it's done, I'll upload it as soon as possible!

His sister will be in the break room, but you can only encounter her there after a certain point in the quest!

You'll have to go outside of mundae and battle bull desires until one drops a horn! Only the males drop horns!~

When you enter the mansion, there should be stairs and an elevator in the upper right corner! Interact with either of those to get to the rooms!

To enter one of the rooms, you just walk up to the door and touch it, it should let you enter!

During Areen's quest, you can hook up with one of his guards if you befriend the guard's sister! The achievement is only obtainable during this quest, after it, it cannot be obtained anymore.

Just how you would normally move files around!~
After your playing session, you create a folder in a different location on your computer and name this one "backup save". Then go to your "The Best Master" folder and into the "save" folder, copy everything that's in there and paste it into the new folder called "backup save". When you want to continue playing, you go into your "backup save" folder, copy everything that's in there and paste it into the "save" folder in the "The Best Master" folder.
I hope I've explained it well enough, ha ha!~
I can't promise it  will work, but it might be a possibility!

Hmm I'm not entirely sure what could be causing this, that sounds very strange and I haven't heard of any others having this bug yet either. Maybe you can make backups of the save files in another folder when turning off the PC and paste them back into the game folder when turning the PC back on?

1) I would really like to, yes! However, unfortunately as of now I still haven't found a plugin that makes this possible yet, so it might still take some time until it'll be a feature.
2) Ah, I believe I'm not even able to tell you a rough date yet, though I hope that it won't take too long! I do really appreciate your support and love for the game though, ha ha!~
3) Austen will definitely have certain scenes in the future, I haven't made plans for him to be romanceable though but if that's what players would like, I can surely add that!
4) Yes! In fact I am currently redrawing a majority of the sprites in the game, I've already finished Tauren's as well, ha ha!
5) I am planning to add a valentines event for the new desires, yes! Since the problem with the plugin that controls dreamscapes still persists though, I am still waiting with it until I have found the right fix for it.

No need to apologize! Thank you very much for your support !~

Thank you for all your support! I'm so happy to see you're enjoying the game!~
1. Yes! You can obtain keys to all of the locked rooms. They are hidden very well though, so it would take some searching around through the kingdom!
2. Yes, there will be a way to obtain him in a later update! Unfortuntely I cannot tell when that will be yet since the slaves in the stock will all have to be fully implemented first.
Thank you and have a nice day as well!~

I'm happy you're enjoying the new update!~

1. He will definitely be obtainable at a later point! However, unfortunately, I cannot determine yet when that will be!

2. These options will be available for him later after a certain point in the story!

3. I was thinking of the same stat already, ha ha! Thank you for reminding me again!

4. I see, thank you for reporting! I'll take care to fix that part!

5. Utoya will come back! But I cannot reveal anything about him being obtainable yet!

6. I'm very happy to hear you're liking the art in the update! Thank you for the support and the feedback, ha ha!

I don't mind the long post! No need to apologize.~

As of now, the APK version for the game has been removed, since it wasn't working correctly. I must have forgotten to erase that part in the description, I'm very sorry about that!
I am currently looking into finding a way of making it work for android though!

You would have to go to sleep in the mansion a few times until you see him at Dangoyan's cat café! If the randomizer hits the right number, you should see him sitting at the very left, bottom table in the café!

I'm glad you're enjoying the update! Thank you for playing, ha ha.~

It's normal for them to repeat! You can turn off messages that you've seen already in the phone settings! You need to have the latest version of the game with the bug fixes for it to work though!

Dexter isn't entirely in the game yet, he's mostly being talked about. However, there is a secret way in which you can see a small cameo of him already!

Chalice and Solemn will be obtainable later, yes!

She was the one that mentioned the cat café for the first time! The characters are from me, but she helped me a lot with designing the interior and giving me ideas on what to do with the café.~

Sako records isn't anything that actually exists irl, it is something that me and Satan have planned for a side project.~ Unfortunately, I cannot tell any further details yet!

I'm glad you're enjoying the game!~ Thank you for the comment!
The program I am using for the game is RPG Maker MV!

Some enemies use skills that can affect you with the desperate state! Fairies for example have several of those skills.~

If you are affected by the desperate state, this little green icon with the face will show up!

This menu only shows up if your character is affected by the "desperate" state.
If you heal, the normal character menu shows up again!

Thank you so, so much for the very kind words! It makes me incredibly happy to see that you're enjoying the new update this much!
And I'm very happy to see you liking the phone system as well! I'm planning on adding a lot more messages in the next update, so I hope you're looking forward to those, ha ha!~

You can either start Quest 8 from Puzzle or in front of the mansion's entrance door. The requirements for it to be triggered are: It has to be daytime and you need to have finished Quest 7!

I see, thank you for the report! I'm sorry for all the problems, I'll have to look a little deeper into this bug. I'll be fixing it as soon as I can!

You should still be perfectly fine with your current save file! 
And don't worry about asking questions, that's what I'm here for!~

Hello again!
I would like to inform you that these bugs should be fixed in the new build that I have just uploaded! Please go into the settings menu in your game after downloading the build and choose the "UPDATE" option, this should fix everything! If there are still problems, please let me know!

I'm really glad to see you enjoying it! I will definitely continue working on the game, currently, I am already working on the next update! 
I hope that the future updates of the game can give you many more happy times!~

I'm super glad you're enjoying the new artworks!~

I seem to have forgotten to add the new world event to the cheat menu, I will add it in the next bug fixing build!
The requirements for this event are Rascal and Vickey!

I'm so sorry to hear that so many game breaking bugs are happening! I'll take care of it right away and will upload a new build to fix this as soon as possible! 

Have you met all the requirements to trigger the event?
Another requirement for the new desire is, to have finished at least the 6th quest ("Mysterious Virus", the quest to recruit Xora), I probably should have said that as well, my bad!
Incoming Spoilers:
Furthermore, it's not the very first room on the 4th floor that you have to enter, it is the very left one in the middle row!

Thank you for reporting! I will put it on my list to fix!
I've noticed as well that the reocurring messages can be quite tedious, so I will think of something that can be done about this! 

Hello there!
I am incredibly happy to hear you're enjoying the new update, including the new characters, ha ha!~
I really hope you're going to have fun with the rest of it too! 
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and showing your support, it helps motivating me to work even harder.~