Aha... the lag...
That's actually not lag, that's a deliberate 'pause' (as in, I coded it to wait) whilst the AI 'decides' what interrupt to take. I wanted to make it more clear with some SFX and turning the screen grey but I didn't have the time. The simple AI mooks don't even Evade that often anyway.
Camera is middle click + drag. It's still not great though (you can move it whenever, including when your probably shouldn't, though it is at least limited to the map's bounds)
Yeah, if I had more time I'd try to clean things up more; more levels, more enemy variety etc.
The art is... the art is hilarious. The textures are 99.9% gradients whipped up in photoshop and creatively applied by abusing uvs. It shouldn't work. For all that though I agree they're weirdly compelling. My two complaints on that front (again, lack of time) is being able to give the MGs faces / expressions and having to battle the unity lighting system not to wash out all the colours.
Could you expand on where you feel the balance is poor? I realise having the one enemy type shoots it in the foot out of the gate but still.