It's basic but there is stuff going on, you managed to do some amount of worldbuilding with just a few texts that were nice to read. The concept of swapping your stats on the fly seems interesting but until you have more stuff going on it's gonna be just meh.
Besides that, it does feel pretty jank. Are you doing your own character controller? When using UE4 I'd advice against it unless you know what you are doing. The first person character works fine for me, I would recommend putting an invisible material on the default arms, delete the weapon and put your own, see how it feels to just run around and have the weapon move with the animations of the invisible arms. I'm not saying that you should invest in first person juice right away but it does go a long way towards making you feel comfortable in your own game and can lead to enjoy it more as you make it, at least I think so.
Anyway I don't mean to shill but check out my demoday entry if you want to see some fleshed out first person UE4 stuff that started from the FP template. I think it feels good just to move around, jump and sprint.
Also yes, making an imsim at any level it's overscoping but if this is the one kind of game that you'd like to do I say you got a more solid chance of finishing it than a simpler game :)