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When I originally began reading this story, I was slightly under the impression that it would be like those stupid romance novels where the only choice you make is for which ending of the game you'd prefer, but like you warned us, there were no choices to make. For that reason, I can't call this a game. However, for the beautiful creation that this is, I have a feeling that any other style of presentation would have ruined it.

Your imagination is truly wonderful and your dedication to this project apparent. I'm glad to have been presented with a chance to read this and even more for being able to read this to the very end. I love how you even rewarded our curiosity with those short stories Ciar supposedly wrote. Despite being separate from the main story, they somehow never seemed out of place, and I was left thinking of them just as much as the situations our characters face over time.

Though I have to admit: who was that bald guy? What was the point of him being everywhere at once? Was he just meant as comedic relief or symbolic of something deeper? Perhaps I'm just not seeing the connection, but he did make me laugh a lot. ...Still don't want to meet him in real life though. He's pretty intimidating...

Anyways, since I've stayed up too late both reading this story and writing this comment, I'm going to end my ramblings here. Thank you for the read. Loved what you had to give. Please continue to be inspired and driven to other works of literature art in the future.

Hey thanks for the comment, I appreciate it and I'm glad you liked the novel.

For the bald guy he is mostly comedic relief but it has a biiiiit of symbolism on him, not directly related to him as for the narration as a whole of the story and how absurd his scenes are. If you haven't checked make sure you read the One Hidden Truth in the main menu, I'm guessing you did but just saying because some people missed it.