I'll second (third?) what other people have said- for a first game, it's pretty damn good. My first game was a text adventure where you try to feed green slime to a homeless man for some reason. It's horrendous, it has about three lines of dialogue, and doesn't run on modern systems.
I noticed that you eschewed RPG Maker levelling in favour of a spell book system. As it stands, it's clunky and balance is poor, but I'm impressed that you took a risk and tried this. You also used animated interaction points, which again eschews RPG Maker convention but I think works well. The graphics are just okay, but again I'm impressed that you took a risk and created your own instead of just using the ones that came with RPG Maker.
The story was okay but not amazing. In particular, the ending seemed very rushed. There were definitely some good story beats there but most didn't feel fully realized. There were also a lot of typos and grammatical errors, and the writing was often shaky.
Personally I find it very difficult to write during jams, something about the frantic intensity interferes with my usual creative process. Awful dialogue is the main reason I never released Whistler, but I digress...
I also wish there was more to the game that some cutscenes, a linear winding path, and a boss battle. I'm assuming this came down to a lack of time- there's only so much you can do in 3 days especially if you're trying to learn the tools. I typically start a jam with lots of big ideas and end up having to pare them down very quickly.
Overall, it's far from a perfect game, but it's an excellent first try.