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Pretty buggy. Often the  UI wouldn't disappear when it should. And the game crashed after a fight.

Also, shouldn't you be able to see the card descriptions?

It looked interesting though.

Oh shit really? I knew it was barebones but I didn't think UI was bugging out. Can you explain what was happening?

Uh, after the first fight, a text box saying 'good luck' or something showed up and wouldn't disappear. That might have been your intention now that I think about it, but it looked like it bugged out when I played it. Also, the 'pick your rewards' menu showed up after a fight correctly, but then it appeared once again when I returned to the main map. I think the crash happened right there actually.

As for the card descriptions I'm adding a way to see them in game, but I'm not 100% sure how I want to do it. You used to choose the cards before battle so that's when you could read them but I'm in the process of changing the whole thing which is why it's in a weird state.