Evr scence missaxolotl began doing Brazilian legends i wanted to do Greek mythology! so here my first Greek monster turned into a monster girl:
cerberus!! i feel like this one is pretty wel-known, its the gaint 3-headed doge tht gaurds the Underworld, not to be confused with H*ll, thats a whole other thing that im nto getting into evr. so tell meh if y'all like!
Also a Undertale comic made with the help of MGM!!
*snacks on fregit legz*
"Chara what happened?"
" what? i-i-dont know what your talking about i-i-i-i--i-i what?"
" why are you eating hands?"
" i----i-i-i-i-i--i- what do you mean? this? well -i--i-i-i- dont know? it was like this when i found em."
" ???"
" Okay ill tell you wht happened.. this fregit boi here tried to jump on my face and i had my knoife handy so i stabed him on accident!"
" That still doesnt explain what happened to his hands"
" welwellwellwell uh i uh i was hungry.....and its a frog"
" Ariel get yo hands off me!!"
" YOURE GROUNDED!!!!!!!!!!1"
"Chara shut up"
" fine. will you let me eat in peace?"