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I guess I'll write this as sort of a pan-ultimate review/critique. You absolutely do not need to read this or take any amount of it as serious if you don't want to!

For such a extra-terrestrial story, it actually starts off very believable and sticks with both its themes and its background. I couldn't think of any glaring plotholes or situations the MC could easily weasel out of (with the exception of just outright leaving the palace for good). A gripe I've seen on this page quite a bit is how the MC is a bit grating at times and while I can agree with this, to a certain extent you have to take it in stride as he is brought to an alien world against his world. In fact, I believe this story is a very good version of what would happen in real life.

Mechanically, the VN does play well with the exception of updates screwing any manual saves (but not quick saves for some reason?) and the fast forward option is fairly consistent if not just a bit on the slow side.

I am a big fan of CG's and my only point for this VN in particular is I simply wish there were a few more romantic ones, but alas that isn't a very big issue.

All in all, actually a really well made VN. I didn't feel cheated or like this story just dodged a plot hole or didn't address something. However I would agree with the below comment of putting some sort of major emotional warning as there are certain scenes that did in fact make my blood boil, which I hope was the point. 

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to update 16: Crying my eyes out!