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an ai for this sort of thing would be quite hard to do well. good job

this is really well done

Thanks for playing! AI was indeed quite hard to do but fun to implement and was a great learning experience as a solo developer. I spent almost an entire day doing it but I'm proud of what I did :P Thanks again for playing!


only a whole day? wow you must be good.  id love to read about how it works if you would want to do a write up / devlog  on it or something

Oh, I meant I spent about a whole day doing just AI. The whole game took about 4-5 days to make. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to document my journey on making this game. There were a lot of things that I found super interesting and I only realized that recording my development of it would have been a good idea from the start. Perhaps on my next game I'll make a devlog. I'll just go wherever the wind takes me :P


that's still quite impressive, anyway you do you.