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(1 edit)

Alright, was finally able to play. There really isn't much in the game (assuming you're intended to die at the first enemy encounter after finding your buddy in the cell) as of right now but I did enjoy the unconventional control scheme and UI. Very cool tank style controls to first person light gun transition, reminded me of Resident Evil Dead Aim. The Art style was also appealing and I liked the character designs. 

Things that need to be improved

- A map or better environmental cues

Even something as simple as names or placards above doors would help, I managed to pretty much remember what doors led to what keys in this really short demo, but if you plan on making bigger maps this needs to be remedied.

- Some indication / inventory that shows what keys you already have 

Pretty self-explanatory, I would forget what keys I had already picked up, and that problem would only really be exasperated by bigger maps.

- A longer music loop or less music

The music loop started to get very annoying, very fast. I would reccomend making a much longer music track if possible, if you pulled it from a sound library or something and don't have the musical ability to replace it I would try to make an ambient track instead. If you want help with this feel free to DM me and I can help you get started with that.

- A quick turn 

Just something like pressing back + shift causing to do a 180 degree turn, or Q and E rotating you 90 degrees left or right. It's an essential component of behind the shoulder tank controls imo. 

A better end / splash screen

I'm still not even sure if I properly finished the demo or I died prematurely because the game just quits.

Things that I think would improve the feel of the game but aren't strictly needed

- some sort of audio indicator that you interacted with a door or picked up an item

a simple universal UI bloop would suffice but context specific sounds (like door handles rattling) would be best

- footstep noises

I just love footstep noises for some reason, they're kind of a pain in the ass to implement sometimes though

Thanks for the feedback!

You are right there isn't much there yet, I wasn't even sure if I should submit something right now or wait for next Demo Day. It just ends at the first enemy encounter. There is an inventory menu on the bottom left that you can cycle through clicking the arrows on the screen currently, which I plan to expand to have more interaction with picked up items. As for the the music I added it last minute as I thought it would be better to have something than nothing and it isn't definite, I might come back to your offer though!