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Finally got to the end! That cutscene with the green dinos at the end was a super cute way to end this. Really fun and a good challenge. The claw mechanic was a great way to jazz it up, although I found that it's not too effective with all the enemies and waiting for the claw to return and instead went with the "run away as fast as I can" tactic. I agree with the others; once it got to the green part of the level, it was easier to distinguish where enemies were. Great work!

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot. Yeah, looking back I 100% agree that I should have made the platforms a different colour.  I also found that through playing it a bit more after the jam ended that just running straight through was far more effective than playing it "properly", I think the mechanic probably would have worked better with closed rooms where you fought waves of enemies than with a straight forward platformer. But anyway, I'm glad people seem to enjoy it for what it is.