A little top down arena shooter, where you chose your load-out before the round starts. Cool.
Adherence to Theme
- You pack your bag before the round and are stuck with it for the match. Makes for interesting Gameplay but could've incorporated the theme just a tiny bit more.
Game Design
- The different items where quite fun to use / explore
- Some item combinations where vastly superior to others, to the point that I could not lose. -> I think the potion cool down is a little too short.
- 2 enemies who behaved quite similar, it was easy not to get hit. Didn't quite hit the sweet spot in terms of difficulty for me personally but I can see why it was designed this way.
- For the future, some different enemy types, who are affected differently by the weapons would be a welcome addition!
- It's an arena shooter. Yes it has magic weapons and on top of that bonus points for having the load-out mechanic, which gave it replayability.
- The sprites looked clean, enemies and player where easily distinguishable from the background.
- The background looked a bit tiresome at some point, too much repeat in the pattern. A little less detail is often times more in pixel art.
- The music and sound effects where fine but could use a little more time in the oven.
Cool game, cool concept. Played it a bit safe but overall, quite fun.