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Hey, I just downloaded the game and I tried to load it up and it gives me a "fatal error: failed to load mono" message. I have disabled Windows Defender and tried to see if that works, as well as trying to run the unity crash handler, but nothing seems to work. I have a very old computer, so maybe that's the issue. Could it just be that my computer can't run the game?


I doubt that your computer is the issue. Did you extract it to a really long folder path, by any chance? I found this suggestion from somebody else having the same error: 

"I discovered another cause of this problem and solution. If your game is zipped and you extract it to a folder that is too long -- but still unzips fine -- this error can pop up. I believe it's due to the game accessing the data folder and mono.dll within its sub-folders... and somehow this access cannot be too deep in the directory structure. Move the game to a less long folder and it will work -- IF this was your problem in the first place."


Looks like it worked! Thank you.