Thanks for the review. I don't why it didn't work for you in browser. I was able to complete it successfully on Firefox and Chrome.
Also, thanks for the trivia. I didn't knew about "kennel". I am not a native English speaker anyways. But free knowledge is always welcome. :-)
You are correct about level design. It was my first time. Before this I've mostly copies levels from youtube tutorials. I hope I'll get better at it someday. As for the controls and jumps, I was not super happy with it. But had to somehow block one dog or the other dog at some point to keep players engaged. I'll definitely work on this game more and improve it. I also wanted to incorporate voices for dogs but the story-line was not strong enough and I didn't have enough time. But I'll surely explore that area.
For music and assets I'll take zero credits. Original authors were kind enough to release such create content for free. I totally didn't notice that the audio level was too high. I'll keep this in mind for future game.
I am super happy after reading your feedback! :-)
Thanks once again.