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HTC Vive User here: I love the particles and the idea.

5 star rating sent, because it was sure a lot of work! Thanks for your submission!

While you are here I've played yours, so please check my game out in the button below. I wonder if you can play it with your headset.

Hello Macchi, we're glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for the lack of levels, it was both me and Jacques' first time participating in a game jam and we could have managed our time better. Your 5 star rating is very much appreciated, and I am downloading your submission right now! I have the Oculus Rift S so I'll let you whether I can play it with this hmd.


No problem, it was my first Jam as well and holy shit we had so many plans. At least we have a game finished now! Looking foreward to your comment or feedback in general what you think about the game :)

You did great! I think it would be nice to have smooth locomotion on it though,

I normally dont implement this, because I then get motion sick :)
Maybe I should give the player the choice

Yeah I'm personally not a fan at all of the teleporting