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This game is awesome! It's executed really well and follows the jam theme perfectly. You get 5 stars for the music ALONE! Although, there was a bug I encountered that are pretty easy to fix:

Obviously this is not working as intended and it's easily fixed in unity by marking the player on a custom layer "Player" and interactable objects on an "Interactable" layer. Then in Project Settings -> Physics you need to stop the Player layer from interacting from the Interactable layer and the bug will be fixed :)

It's more of a nitpick rather than a complaint with the game, I could just see it being exploited to pass levels really fast. Awesome game nonetheless!

Hahaha what a crazy bug! Thank you so much for letting me know and I’ll definitely fix it. Yeah I’m sure there are a ton of things that don’t work. I plan on updating the game after the judging period to fix bugs, add another level, and teleport and southpaw options. Really glad you enjoyed it and thanks again for checking it out :)

You should totally continue this into a full game! It's such an interesting concept!