kat: maybe its because i get scared and hide under or in his bed at night
Kacchan: and its CREEPY
Kat: it smells like CARAMEL and its comforting
Kacchan: not to me
Alice: dont worry! this wont hurt a bit...are....*scry mode* aRe yOu CryInG??! YoU UnGrAtEfUl BRAT!! iM GoiNG tO MakE You bEautIfUl!! *starts turning kat into a plushie, and it HURTS A LOT she is sewing fabric to your skin and shoving fluff into your body* THIS WonT HUrt a BiT!! SOoN YoU aRe gOinG TO bE BEaUTIfUl!!
._. sir katsuki look at the people you and her hangout with cuz one no wonder she gets scared and two . . . eh . . . idk a number two :>
Bunny: i still think he smells like rotten plums
rEEeE how did you get here!?
Bunny: i've been here, plus that dudes getting really annoying sooooo . . can i peel his face off?.
Bunny: frick you
and leave me alone