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(8 edits)

Sooo, I have some feedback for the demo. Firs things first, after encountering the Woodsman for the first time, everytime you are in the same screen with him or his corpse, the game lags massively.Like, 5 fps

Secondly, sometimes equipping and unequipping guns bugs out. I was playing as the mechanic and had a gun. when I got Ex-Soldier in my party (as an ally) I gave him the gun and gave my mechanic her wrench back. Then I had to give the gun back to the mechanic, but when I did, Ex-soldier was seemingly still holding a gun (even though he had a different weapon) and the mechanic who HAD the gun, was not holding it. That bug prevented me from being able to use SHIFT to shoot out of combat since her model was not holding a gun, even though she was equipped with it.

Another bug I found was that sometimes beartraps that had done their job, would reset if you went back and forth between screens, allowing you to pick them up and resulting in infinite supplies of bear traps. Last but not least, if you slept twice in a row without going outside to update the "time" of day between your naps, the "time passage" would not register properly and sometimes you could even skip a whole day as soon as you changed screens, after such a thing happened.

I also have some questions. Is there any way to recruit any other human character except the Ex-Soldier in the demo? Some say you can encounter the occultist. I could not trigger the encounter. I dunno how to help the doctor in the slums with his investigation (unless it's not in the demo). The journalist just sits at the beach and I dunno what to do about the guy in the mayor's house in day 1 (the one who can hear a clock) although I suspect he mutates and becomes the mayor because if you kill the mayor it counts as killing off a participant of the festival. I was also kind of disappointed that I never got to use short-circuit with the mechanic because I found two doors that it could possibly be used on.

By the way, you make NPCs too smart and they avoid bear traps 95% of the time :( when they can't go around it because the path is too narrow, they stop pursuing me altogether, it's very frustrating...bear traps are VERY valuable if you want to take out some key enemies that can wreck you (for example, the woodsman or the priest)

I hope my comment helped and I hope you can give me some tips too ^^ I want to make the most out of this demo :D I really love Fear & Hunger! 


Hey thanks for the feedback! Hopefully you had good time with the game regardless of the hickups. Are you playing the latest version 2.2? I think I found the source of the lag and it should be fixed now in the latest update.

I tried to replicate the equipping and unequipping bug you mentioned, but couldn't get it to happen. I'll still browse through the code if I could find a problem there..

Someone else also mentioned the bear trap bug. It's still a bit of a mystery to me. I might have to consider coming up with new eventing/scripting for the bear trap if I can't find any other solutions...

The time passage is meant to advance every time you sleep. Not every time you save. So if you'd sleep 3 times in a row, it should be the next day regardless if you checked the daytime outside or not. But you're saying it's jumping in time more than it should?

You can recruit all the (currently) playable characters. But they have pretty specific conditions on how to get them. They are also mostly time specific. Like you have to meet them on certain day or else you'll miss them. This is because of the balancing reasons, because a full party in this game is pretty over-powered.

And finally, I seriously have no answers to how enemies are smart enough to avoid bear traps and booby traps occasionally. It looks very intentional on their part, but there is no line of coding that would prompt them to do that stuff.

(2 edits)

holy crap, avoiding bear traps isn't coding? this is actually creepy now xD
I was playing 2.1 ! I will check out 2.2 since I still haven't played as the doctor :D I hope I can find out how to recruit the doctor! Ex-Soldier is fine but only if you have heroin with you and that's a pain because Needles enemies are rare.

About the bear trap, it only happened once, in one of my two playthroughs and the one time it happened, it happened for a very specific trap (I placed it around the place you get your first zombie). It never happened in my second playthrough.

What I meant about the time passage is, it was Day 1, outside it was mid-day, I went inside to make it the morning of the next day (because night drains your mind) so I slept twice without exiting the building. When I exited the building, it said Day 2 but it was night instead of morning and the date still changed to day 2. I then went back inside to sleep again to fix the time and as soon as I stepped inside, it said Day 3 so I was like "whuuuut?". So if you sleep once, you gotta step outside the building to "see" the time has changed (to morning,mid-day or night) otherwise weird things happen if you sleep repeatedly without going outside to actually see the passage of time.

Another little bug that I remembered was at the wooden beams of the church. There are those macho guys that walk the planks. the beams are supposed to have depth perception but while I was going down the ladder to leave the area, I "touched" the head of one of those guys who was standing at the parallel beam directly below me and combat started. I assume that is not supposed to happen because there is some sort of depth perception, right? I know I did not explain it very well so I can provide a screenshot whenever I get back to the area to explain the situation!

Also, without spoiling me, can short-circuit be used or can the electronically locked door in the slums area be opened in the demo? and also, can you give me a pointer on how to recruit the doctor? xD I tried everything I could try while he was in my party. I tried talking to the pacified moonscorched villagers, I tried talking to the journalist, I tried talking to the man with the head collection, I started combat with the pacified villagers and used analyze on them and then I talked to them in combat to get some extra dialogue. I still don't know what the guy wants to do in the area and "how" I can help him do it. The only thing I have not tried (in my knowledge) is killing the 2 crazed moonscorched of the slums while he is in my party. I always killed them before I tried to help him. As for the Occultist, I never even saw her in town, even though I read that if you talk to her or Olivia you can find her somewhere in town. maybe I did not look well enough.


Ah okay, I see what you mean now. I need to check out the day and night cycle if there are some loop holes...

No need to post a screenshot, I know the spot you mean with the beams and the pillarmen. I happened to me once too.

Short-circuit didn't have use before, because I left few areas out of the demo because of time constraints, but with the version 2.2, I made few doors available, including one the one you spoke of, so that it's not completely useless right now.

I'm afraid the doctor cannot be recruited fully. He only joins you for one area. Both him and the occultist can be met on Day 2.

(1 edit)

aaah, thank you so much! at least I know these things were intentionally inaccessible (including the electronically locked doors for 2.1). I thought I was being dumb about it and just couldn't figure it out! I also thank you for not spoiling anything about recruiting the occultist :D
About the thicc thigh bois, I will admit that there was one time I was spotted before reaching the ladder and, since I know of their strength, I chose to jump down and take the fall damage hoping not to break my legs and it worked xD (still got some damage though, but it was less than what I would've taken by trying to kill one of them). If I find any other bug or glitch I will let you know under this post and not a new comment! Thank you for making such amazing games! I will do my best to help you by testing the demo a couple of more times!


Yeah I used that tactic too up there. I saw the pillarman coming and decided to rather jump down than confront that thing : D

The daytime bug happened again in my third playthrough and this time I did it properly (just slept once and went outside). It was night of Day 2, I slept, saved, woke up and it was day 3 but outside was still night. Then I slept again, still night. The third time I slept it finally became morning (even though days were not counting anymore). Btw, can I say that the Wrench Throw ability is quite OP if you use it properly? xD not that I mind though! Mechanic needs all the help she can get early on! Later it's not so OP, but still useful because it can stunlock a limb that will not go down in one hit


Yeah I think Wrench toss is one of my personal favourite skills! It's definitely got its uses. That bug is really weird. I'll have to seriously investigate the day system. That can't happen in the full game!

I'm just playing the game a few more times to see the frequency of some bugs and help oyu out ^^ haven't encountered that one Bear trap bug except one time and it worked for a very specific bear trap and I could reclaim only that one.
Wrench throw has become one of my favorite abilities to be honest, especially early on against the villagers who place bear traps! I never expected it to be so good! it even helped me stunlock one (and sometimes two, if you get lucking with pep-pill's extra turns) of the Mayor when I fought him for fun! The gun equipping bug did not happen on my third playthrough. I will play a couple of more times to see if anythin happens again or something new comes up!

(3 edits)

I have three questions because I am testing things out and I need to be sure.
-First one is, the squid guys in the church. I placed a trap for one of them to walk over it. it said "It lost some tentacles but is otherwise unhurt" then when I engaged, its tentacle limbs you can target were all there. is that supposed to happen because they are unaffected by traps or are their "target tentacles" supposed to be affected when they walk over a bear trap?
-Secondly I made the sandman's kiss and used it as a weapon but I was not sure what it is supposed to do aside from giving a character some extra damage. Maybe It had an effect but I used it against enemies unaffected by said effect?
-Lastly, is it normal for bonesaws to break so rarely? out of my three playthroughs, only one or twice did they break and that was after I got myself about over 10 soulstones and I even had a spare bonesaw. Considering that each skill only needs one stone, wouldn't it be extremely easy to max a character's skills? Especially since you can't use the Hexen to improve any party members other than your main character.