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A member registered Apr 28, 2017

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It used to happen randomly after some battles or, if an enemy miraculously touched you and engaged combat while the heroin animation was happening

The issue would happen in other occasions as well but it was fixed. then, after a while, I also found out what you just described (about 8 months ago) but to me it only happened if I tried to enter the mirror world "after" the first time. meaning in each playthrough, entering the underground other world was fine the first time (when you had to) but it gave me the black screen every time after I got the key, and not only THAT specific other world, but every other world in the demo after that. I am sorry to say that we still didn't have any update on the bug ever since but I do hope Orange fixed it in the full version ^^

(1 edit)

Hello, hello! Have a happy new year and don't stress it. everyone got held back for reasons the past year! We'll be patient as we are with santa! in the meantime, did you happen to update any mechanics in the demo? If yes, would you like me to do a couple of more speedruns for any possible new bugs?
|Edit: I know it's not my business but I do love the game and if I can help you spotting them bugs I'd be more than glad to help! besides, I am looking for an excuse to do another speedrun but there is nothing left for me to explore so all I can do is look for bugs till the full release xD

(1 edit)

You have to steel your heart and be ready to die a couple of dozen times till you get the flow of the game :P the first game used to be much more unfair (only recently the lucky coin was added to the first game as well, to help the players). I had to die SO many times before I find a nice strategy for this game. the one thing I can suggest is, try to loot whatever you can loot without endangering yourself and kill only whoever is necessary until you get a second party member. Another thing that helps is saving BEFORE interacting with libraries because loot gets reset with reloads and the game doesn't have that many books in it yet. That way you can reload until you get books that you need.

hmmm, it appears the "darkness" bug is still around. I had Darkness when I revisited the maintenance tunnels for a second time

Got it! Thanks for the info because I was about to look around the whole place and interact with every woman, alive/dead or boss, to see if it belongs to them xD

Can the "Cameo" accessory be used in anything in the demo? If it can, I might go on  a hunt to find that :D

aah, ok! At least I know it's not a bug ^_^

Thank you so much for the update!

huh.... I let my party members die of starvation twice, just to see what Per'kele says on each number possible in the demo, and that didn't happen to me. must be a rare one, good find!

I second that. I find myself just spamming through the info of books at times just to conserve some hunger and mind

ooooh, my bad then!

This guy gets the blackness glitch, fights the mayor and afterwards the party is visible (it's near the end of the video) maybe invisibility chance after combat is 50/50

I figured out what perma kills them ^^ also, my strategy with bobbies is take out arms then go straight for the body xD I am a simple man! (Of course I use a full party for that)

I didn't know that! I thought that the first sacrifice (if you have nothing unlocked in the gro'goroth skill tree) unlocks the first node of gro'goroth which basically amplifies attack power or something!
Kalev does hit the optimal target but the fact that I can't increase his defenses and he loses half his HP from one attack really stresses me out :P he also takes my carrots and I need them for pies!

(5 edits)

Somehow my game got bugged and whenever I use heroin (doesn't matter which character) the screen goes black and that's it. I can hear my footsteps walking around but I just have to restart. it doesn't matter in which area I do's weird because in the same game I could normally use heroin and I dunno what triggered this. It has affected all of my saves, even older files in which I could use heroin.

EDIT:  It happened after I made Levi take heroin and, while he was doing the injection animation, a bobby engaged in combat (enemies take a bit to come to a full stop when the animation starts). after I finished combat, the character models became invisible while on the field and, after I reloaded to fix that, It would completely go dark when I tried to use heroin (even when I completely closed the game and restarted it)

EDIT 2 : I watched the experience of a youtube creator trying the new classes. He also had 2.3. The glitch of blackness happened to him without the conditions that I mentioned in the first Edit of this post. That means it's probably not what triggers it. He gave Levi the heroin right in front of the mayor, game went black, he talked to him, text and dialogue options were visible, he started the fight, he won the fight, game returned to normal. so it gets fixed after an encounter, I guess?

The snail priests in the church have a chance to drop an accessory and it's not that low either!
Kalev isn't that great btw. what I haven't tried yet is, with the Ex-Soldier as main character, pick to pray to a god when your father comes to beat you. that unlocks the Gro'goroth skill tree. Then, if you sacrifice Kalev to Gro-goroth in the Gro'goroth Altar that is in the Manor, can Ex-Soldier get Necromancy? because if he can, then if I ever have extra armor, I'd rather make a zombie that can get gear. Both units hit random targets anyway but Kalev is squishy, even with All-Merr Engravings. Plus, Kalev may randomly go on a strike and demand carrots to return :P I'd rather use those carrots for vegetable pies

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--Darkened abilities either don't meet the requirements (for example forgetting to equip the wrench on the mechanic for the wrench throw) or they are supposed to be used on the field, out of combat
--From my experience, 95% of the time enemies avoided traps (even bear traps) and if the passage was too tight and only 1 tile wide, they would stop moving altogether. Orange said this is not intended so it's kinda creepy. I noticed that if they are far when you palce the trap, it's more likely they will walk over it. 
-- When all items have "use" grayed out, closing the application altogether and restarting the game fixed for me. It only happened once to me.

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-Is it supposed to be eternal night after the night of the third day?
-2 of the bobbies die forever, I dunno if that is intended because every other bobby gets up. The two that die are, the second bobby of the first screen in the city (His head gets automatically cut for some reason) and the other one is the first you encounter in the area with the shooter on the truck.
-Sometimes, when you kill the first priest you encounter after you pick up the keys of the church and the sewers, the second encounter appears already dead. This is random.
And another little question. can the riddle you can find be solved at the moment? If not I will jsut leave it for the full release. Something something, golden in the morning. It's like a crossword

well, I've had 4 playthroughs so far, I've reloaded a lot of times, only once this happened. All items had the "use" option grayed out and I could only discard. I'm SO glad it got fixed when I restarted the game because I was about to fight the secret bosses too xD I dunno why the Rake weapon error happened though. I also don't know if it only happens for the occultist

In the place you find Dysmorphia, the stone(?) walls can be walked on for some reason. Also, is there anywhere I can use the rusty pearls in the demo?

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This happened just now, I reloaded a save file and now I can't use ANY item. I completely closed the game, restarted it, loaded and it got fixed. easy to fix but I though I'd let you know

When I equipped the Rake weapon, that the Mechanic can craft, on the occultist, it gave me an error that it could not load the model and then the game entered an error loop even after combat was done. Occultist was invisible during the whole fight. I dunno if this happens to other characters as well

(3 edits)

I have three questions because I am testing things out and I need to be sure.
-First one is, the squid guys in the church. I placed a trap for one of them to walk over it. it said "It lost some tentacles but is otherwise unhurt" then when I engaged, its tentacle limbs you can target were all there. is that supposed to happen because they are unaffected by traps or are their "target tentacles" supposed to be affected when they walk over a bear trap?
-Secondly I made the sandman's kiss and used it as a weapon but I was not sure what it is supposed to do aside from giving a character some extra damage. Maybe It had an effect but I used it against enemies unaffected by said effect?
-Lastly, is it normal for bonesaws to break so rarely? out of my three playthroughs, only one or twice did they break and that was after I got myself about over 10 soulstones and I even had a spare bonesaw. Considering that each skill only needs one stone, wouldn't it be extremely easy to max a character's skills? Especially since you can't use the Hexen to improve any party members other than your main character.

I'm just playing the game a few more times to see the frequency of some bugs and help oyu out ^^ haven't encountered that one Bear trap bug except one time and it worked for a very specific bear trap and I could reclaim only that one.
Wrench throw has become one of my favorite abilities to be honest, especially early on against the villagers who place bear traps! I never expected it to be so good! it even helped me stunlock one (and sometimes two, if you get lucking with pep-pill's extra turns) of the Mayor when I fought him for fun! The gun equipping bug did not happen on my third playthrough. I will play a couple of more times to see if anythin happens again or something new comes up!

The daytime bug happened again in my third playthrough and this time I did it properly (just slept once and went outside). It was night of Day 2, I slept, saved, woke up and it was day 3 but outside was still night. Then I slept again, still night. The third time I slept it finally became morning (even though days were not counting anymore). Btw, can I say that the Wrench Throw ability is quite OP if you use it properly? xD not that I mind though! Mechanic needs all the help she can get early on! Later it's not so OP, but still useful because it can stunlock a limb that will not go down in one hit

(1 edit)

aaah, thank you so much! at least I know these things were intentionally inaccessible (including the electronically locked doors for 2.1). I thought I was being dumb about it and just couldn't figure it out! I also thank you for not spoiling anything about recruiting the occultist :D
About the thicc thigh bois, I will admit that there was one time I was spotted before reaching the ladder and, since I know of their strength, I chose to jump down and take the fall damage hoping not to break my legs and it worked xD (still got some damage though, but it was less than what I would've taken by trying to kill one of them). If I find any other bug or glitch I will let you know under this post and not a new comment! Thank you for making such amazing games! I will do my best to help you by testing the demo a couple of more times!

(2 edits)

holy crap, avoiding bear traps isn't coding? this is actually creepy now xD
I was playing 2.1 ! I will check out 2.2 since I still haven't played as the doctor :D I hope I can find out how to recruit the doctor! Ex-Soldier is fine but only if you have heroin with you and that's a pain because Needles enemies are rare.

About the bear trap, it only happened once, in one of my two playthroughs and the one time it happened, it happened for a very specific trap (I placed it around the place you get your first zombie). It never happened in my second playthrough.

What I meant about the time passage is, it was Day 1, outside it was mid-day, I went inside to make it the morning of the next day (because night drains your mind) so I slept twice without exiting the building. When I exited the building, it said Day 2 but it was night instead of morning and the date still changed to day 2. I then went back inside to sleep again to fix the time and as soon as I stepped inside, it said Day 3 so I was like "whuuuut?". So if you sleep once, you gotta step outside the building to "see" the time has changed (to morning,mid-day or night) otherwise weird things happen if you sleep repeatedly without going outside to actually see the passage of time.

Another little bug that I remembered was at the wooden beams of the church. There are those macho guys that walk the planks. the beams are supposed to have depth perception but while I was going down the ladder to leave the area, I "touched" the head of one of those guys who was standing at the parallel beam directly below me and combat started. I assume that is not supposed to happen because there is some sort of depth perception, right? I know I did not explain it very well so I can provide a screenshot whenever I get back to the area to explain the situation!

Also, without spoiling me, can short-circuit be used or can the electronically locked door in the slums area be opened in the demo? and also, can you give me a pointer on how to recruit the doctor? xD I tried everything I could try while he was in my party. I tried talking to the pacified moonscorched villagers, I tried talking to the journalist, I tried talking to the man with the head collection, I started combat with the pacified villagers and used analyze on them and then I talked to them in combat to get some extra dialogue. I still don't know what the guy wants to do in the area and "how" I can help him do it. The only thing I have not tried (in my knowledge) is killing the 2 crazed moonscorched of the slums while he is in my party. I always killed them before I tried to help him. As for the Occultist, I never even saw her in town, even though I read that if you talk to her or Olivia you can find her somewhere in town. maybe I did not look well enough.

I fell for the god damn Bobbie head my first time :( I usually save any extra bear traps for them and just let them crawl around forever. I do that when there are two bobbies in some areas because dealing with one of them isn't that bad. Got any better tactics to deal with them?

(8 edits)

Sooo, I have some feedback for the demo. Firs things first, after encountering the Woodsman for the first time, everytime you are in the same screen with him or his corpse, the game lags massively.Like, 5 fps

Secondly, sometimes equipping and unequipping guns bugs out. I was playing as the mechanic and had a gun. when I got Ex-Soldier in my party (as an ally) I gave him the gun and gave my mechanic her wrench back. Then I had to give the gun back to the mechanic, but when I did, Ex-soldier was seemingly still holding a gun (even though he had a different weapon) and the mechanic who HAD the gun, was not holding it. That bug prevented me from being able to use SHIFT to shoot out of combat since her model was not holding a gun, even though she was equipped with it.

Another bug I found was that sometimes beartraps that had done their job, would reset if you went back and forth between screens, allowing you to pick them up and resulting in infinite supplies of bear traps. Last but not least, if you slept twice in a row without going outside to update the "time" of day between your naps, the "time passage" would not register properly and sometimes you could even skip a whole day as soon as you changed screens, after such a thing happened.

I also have some questions. Is there any way to recruit any other human character except the Ex-Soldier in the demo? Some say you can encounter the occultist. I could not trigger the encounter. I dunno how to help the doctor in the slums with his investigation (unless it's not in the demo). The journalist just sits at the beach and I dunno what to do about the guy in the mayor's house in day 1 (the one who can hear a clock) although I suspect he mutates and becomes the mayor because if you kill the mayor it counts as killing off a participant of the festival. I was also kind of disappointed that I never got to use short-circuit with the mechanic because I found two doors that it could possibly be used on.

By the way, you make NPCs too smart and they avoid bear traps 95% of the time :( when they can't go around it because the path is too narrow, they stop pursuing me altogether, it's very frustrating...bear traps are VERY valuable if you want to take out some key enemies that can wreck you (for example, the woodsman or the priest)

I hope my comment helped and I hope you can give me some tips too ^^ I want to make the most out of this demo :D I really love Fear & Hunger! 

I think that we still don't know where that one is used, though I might be wrong.

We think so!

and was that clue something we already know? just checking

I think the clue that leads to the bandcamp site can be found through a file by snooping around in the linux version of the game. from there you follow the hints and do some math and then you get the final passcode.

Holy crap...that final passcode though....I did it the cheap way xD but the legit way is freaking genius! and very well set! I didn't even know there was even a bandcam profile...Also, what is up with the last music in this album?  Victor Kraus made the music in the game, right?

if you get stuck, try checking the posts of the dev in this page. one of them might lead you to your next clue!

(3 edits)

I tried something with the wife to see if she would follow, and at the part it says behind you, I turned around and slowly walked off the map and OMFG SHE FOLLOWS YOU AND I WAS STUCK ON THE WALL FOR A SEC SO IT WAS TERRIFYING! @_@  .....but she doesn't follow into the passcode room... I also tried jumping off the map after John_Dev joined. nothing happened.

This is a meta game so you gotta hunt clues anywhere. The final passcode is quite hard to figure out too! you can do it the right way or the cheap way but the right way is very very tough. I did it the cheap way cause I am curious but when I read the legit way to do it my jaw literally dropped

The missing link
Also.... what is up with the last track in this playlist? :S

It's both! Happy hunting!