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(1 edit)

How do you rescue cassie from the Don without ending the game?

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I don't want to ruin it so here's a brief run through, find and talk to everyone who has a portrait (image/character) inside the entire new ark city (including slums). Then after talking to all 4 (I think) characters head to the slums to find a npc near dom's hideout, spend 1000 credits and find him again the next day at the gentleman's club complete dialog and the "quest" after, afterwards find a certain character that has authority (hint: she has red hair and her furry form is a fish thing? forgot what it as called) then you should be 100% prepared if all your stats are like 99 and plus other buffs like intoxicated, invigorated and etc 

I talked to all 4 characters but the guy wont appear


you don't have to pay that guy at all, just refuse several times in a row until you have option to pay 500 to the actual homeless people there

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Talk to Fawn several times, Arlene, Sammy, Lin Lin and then city slums homeless. Then go to the police station. After that you are ready. You don't need 99 stats. Just save and try. If you fail 3 times train a bit more. Level 5 to nimble and strenght should be enough.