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Very simple, but fun to play. The movement could be a bit tighter, but it was playable enough for me to have a good time shooting vegetables. I like the idea that your health is also your ammo! The art style was also very nice, and the music helped to keep me engaged. I would say that it's slightly lacking on the theme(unless I missed something), shooting hurts you but it doesn't really perform worse the more you do it. That's probably something that could easily be added though, and the rest of it is great! As Brainos said, HELL YEAH I'M A GUN AND I'M HERE TO SHOOT SOME VEGETABLES


Thanks for the feedback! At the time it made sense, but looking back I could see how the theme could have been better implemented; the idea was that your ability to shoot was limited the lower your health got, thus hurting your overall performance (since shooting is just about the only thing guns do). Essentially, the more you shoot, the less you can shoot later on, if that makes any sense. Writing it out now, it definitely seems like a bit of a stretch though lol


Nah that makes sense, I think I was able to keep my health pretty high until I messed up at the end and got swarmed and died very quickly XD So maybe I didn't see that aspect of it so much. I still think the health being the ammo is really clever