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This absolutely blew me away, it's fantastic. I love the art style and the music so much. Unfortunately, I'm really bad at games as hard as this XD I hope to beat it one day, I was really enjoying the story snippets... but we shall see

Also you get bonus points in my book for leaving such nice comments on everyone else's submissions


your comments are very constructive, and much appreciated as well!
i'm so happy to hear you're enjoying this entry; i didn't spare a single minute of time working on it until i collapsed at my desk with four hours to go hahaa- phew. that was fun, though!
this game asks a lot from the player to trust in their incremental progress; even when you have to start from square one after running out of biomass, though, you'll start getting a little further each time. believe in yourself, and you'll see the story to completion!


I feel you on that man! I can't get past the first boss, but I'm determined to because I want to see it all play out! It's a great game!


I had it down to just a few bits of health left, but my suit health was at 0% so I kept dying in a single hit XD doesn't help that I also didn't properly clear out the room before it, so I died a bunch of times on the way to the boss to pick up the suit...

Oh dang! I didn't realize you could make it to the boss without clearing all the rooms! I might have to try that and see if I can make it to the boss with more life that way lol