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My working title is "The Cold Palace". You play as the Empress who has been spurned by the Emperor and imprisoned. Fortunately for you, the Emperor can't just casually murder you - there are traditions that one must uphold and your family are not simple peasants content to wring their hands in their sleeves while bowing their heads. Through connections, luck, and loyalty, you may survive the freezing of the Emperor's heart. But most likely, you'll end up at the end of a silk rope no matter what you do.

I'm considering using a tarot deck instead of a block tower - both because my play space isn't really great for setting up a tower and hoping to keep all the pieces (or, alternately, risking the possibility of damaging my tablet screen when they fall) and because I collect decks for use in solo play and I want any excuse to use them! (Also, as cool as seeing a precarious tower is visually fitting, "the deck is stacked against you" also works.)

I'm not entirely sure if I'll have the time to finish before the deadline, but I'm still very enthusiastic about this and seeing what comes of everyone else's projects!


This is a really cool theme, way outside of anything I'd considered and that's half the point of a jam!

I'm really keen to read more games that use tarot as resolution. I have a couple of decks knocking around that I've never really made full use of and would like to. I've never quite got through using it differently to a standard deck of playing cards.

I think Itch is a good platform because you can release a game that is in development and update it later. So, if you can get to a completeish stage, you could definitely still submit it for the jam.

Awesome! I've been reading a lot of (translated) Chinese webnovels lately and the concept of "the Cold Palace" comes up a lot, along with court intrigue, so it's been floating around my head for the last few months. When I saw the W&A game jam, I started digging through my brain box looking for "alone, powerless, and in peril" themes I was interested in exploring and it was the first one to pop up that I had a strong reaction to. In the webnovels, the heroine is usually in a bad position, but uses some secret advantage (often second-chance reincarnation, isekai other-world experiences, or a super power) to beat the odds. But without that advantage, it would probably play out badly for her.

One of the interesting ideas I'm exploring as I let things cook on my mental back-burner is an advantage with using the tarot - the major arcana. The minor arcana can map easily to a card suit (coins/pentacles to diamonds, for example), but the major arcana step outside of that and can be used for other things. For example, using the card Death for exactly as it sounds. Right now, my concept is to use the minor arcana as different "people" to put between Death and the Empress. Cups/Chalices represent those who are most loyal to her (family, friends, lovers, personal servants; etc). Coins/Pentacles represent people whose skills can be bought for gold (assassins, spies; etc). The more of these people in the "Tower", the safer the Empress is. But the Emperor card can order them to die, removing them from the deck permanently. 

Absolutely something I'm going to spend a lot of time playtesting to make sure it works out the way I want it to. Controlled, slow-burn tension at first, and then eventually more and more out of hand as human resources are lost to Death.

I'll definitely share the game as a playtest version if I get something that seems playable!