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I’m so glad you guys updated. I’ve been looking forward to playing some more. And I enjoyed the new chapter. 😀

I think Kyeran is too good for this world. He’s so kindhearted and good-natured. Unlike him, I don’t believe I could forgive Doughy. After all, Doughy did kidnap and imprison people who were used as lab rats later on by Coco. Even now, I don’t trust Doughy since the man won’t admit what he did was wrong. So, I hope Kyeran and the rest keep a close eye on him. 👀

I like Maskeguy. He’s hilarious in his own way, but I wonder how he looks like without the mask on, and what happened to his right eye. His apron is so cute too, the little ladybugs just add to the cuteness. When Maskeguy invited us to his house, I was kind of surprised. After all, I didn’t think Maskeguy trusted us. Also, I assumed Maskeguy thought that we’re trouble because we’re involved with supernaturals. Still, I guess Maskeguy considers us a friend now after what we’ve been through together. 😊

I think Akane is hilarious, too. Since she gets angry easily, Akane reminds me of Zihel. I’m sure she wouldn’t like the comparison, but Zihel and her are both fire signs. I’m a Sagittarius like Zihel and I think Akane is an Aries. She’s nicer than Zihel and I would love to be friends with her. She seems like a good person at heart and always willing to help people in need. She and I share the same passion for food as well. 😁

I can’t wait to see what the Angels are up to, though. I miss Hasiel a lot, the cute Angel who I just want to hug so much. I hope we’ll see the Angels soon, so I can figure out why they’re so invested in Coco’s lab. I just feel like they’re doing something with Coco’s research, to maybe get rid of it so no one can use the information gathered by Coco on supernaturals against them …? 🤨

I don’t know, but I look forward to your next update as always. 😎

Amanita can be a fierce jailer but trust is a complex thing in this story.

The mask. That's a good point. A very difficult point in their story hahahaha Maskeguy can be cute, in their own bizarre way, but still cute... We hope we can tell more about their story soon.

The characters with more implication with their own zodiac signs are: Akane, Maskeguy, Pin and Ariel. This isn't by chance, you have good eye. Anyway, Akane and Zihel have some similarities. They're fighters, they hate to be prisioners and they're too linked with the fire elements.

We're working in the angels' chapter, so very soon we'll have new answers and questions for you.