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Very nice concept and so so polished game at all level, you can directly ship it !

First minute: mhhh strange, if I turn 4 time each tile, I will win all the time, very strange, not fun...
From the second minute: Holy shit it's pattern based like a rhythm game and the feeling is so satisfying !!!

Maybe one little modification I will be happy to see is a tuto/warm-up level, like level zero, where you just have to right click one time for a line of 4 or 5 tile, to show the feeling and the goal of the game. The first level is too complex to see that for a first time experience.

Also happy to see other french people using Godot :]

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I wanted to make a tutorial level as well as a progressive level unlocking system (for example: 2 gold medals to unlock the next 2 levels or so), but didn't  have the motivation to do it, I was a bit burned out.

Yeah, game jams are exhausting, and motivation is hard to keep till the end. But this little level 0 will deserve a lot the first time experience and give a lot of feedback to the player :)